Interface SpanBatchSenderFactory

  • public interface SpanBatchSenderFactory
    A factory interface for creating a SpanBatchSender.

    Concrete implementations use different HTTP providers.

    • Method Detail

      • createBatchSender

        default SpanBatchSender createBatchSender​(java.lang.String apiKey)
        Create a new SpanBatchSender with your New Relic Insights Insert API key, and otherwise default settings. (2 second timeout, audit logging off, with the default endpoint URL)
        apiKey - new relic api key
        a new instance of a span batch sender
        See Also:
        New Relic API Keys
      • configureWith

        default SenderConfiguration.SenderConfigurationBuilder configureWith​(BaseConfig baseConfig)
        Creates a new SenderConfigurationBuilder to help with constructing a SpanBatchSender. This builder is configured with data from the BaseConfig, including the apiKey, audit logging dis/enabled, and secondary user agent (which may be null).
        baseConfig - a BaseConfig with settings to apply to the new builder
        a new SenderConfigurationBuilder with the config applied
      • configureWith

        default SenderConfiguration.SenderConfigurationBuilder configureWith​(java.lang.String apiKey)
        Create a new SpanBatchSenderBuilder with your New Relic Insights Insert API key.
        apiKey - new relic api key
        a new instance of a span configuration builder
        See Also:
        New Relic API Keys