Class TelemetryClient

  • public class TelemetryClient
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class should be the go-to spot for sending telemetry to New Relic. It includes the canonical implementation of retry-logic that we recommend being used when interacting with the ingest APIs.

    Note: This class creates a single threaded scheduled executor on which all sending happens. Be sure to call shutdown() if you don't want this background thread to keep the VM from exiting.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      TelemetryClient​(com.newrelic.telemetry.metrics.MetricBatchSender metricBatchSender, com.newrelic.telemetry.spans.SpanBatchSender spanBatchSender)
      Use the constructor with all three senders, passing in null to the ones you don't care about.
      TelemetryClient​(com.newrelic.telemetry.metrics.MetricBatchSender metricBatchSender, com.newrelic.telemetry.spans.SpanBatchSender spanBatchSender, eventBatchSender, com.newrelic.telemetry.logs.LogBatchSender logBatchSender)
      Create a new TelemetryClient instance, with four senders.
      TelemetryClient​(com.newrelic.telemetry.metrics.MetricBatchSender metricBatchSender, com.newrelic.telemetry.spans.SpanBatchSender spanBatchSender, eventBatchSender, com.newrelic.telemetry.logs.LogBatchSender logBatchSender, int shutdownSeconds, boolean useDaemonThread)
      Create a new TelemetryClient instance, with four senders and seconds to wait for shutdown.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static TelemetryClient create​(java.util.function.Supplier<com.newrelic.telemetry.http.HttpPoster> httpPosterCreator, java.lang.String insertApiKey)
      Create a fully operational TelemetryClient with all default options.
      void sendBatch​( batch)
      Send a batch of Event instances, with standard retry logic.
      void sendBatch​(com.newrelic.telemetry.logs.LogBatch batch)
      Send a batch of Log entries, with standard retry logic.
      void sendBatch​(com.newrelic.telemetry.metrics.MetricBatch batch)
      Send a batch of Metric instances, with standard retry logic.
      void sendBatch​(com.newrelic.telemetry.spans.SpanBatch batch)
      Send a batch of Span instances, with standard retry logic.
      void shutdown()
      Cleanly shuts down the background Executor thread.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TelemetryClient

        public TelemetryClient​(com.newrelic.telemetry.metrics.MetricBatchSender metricBatchSender,
                               com.newrelic.telemetry.spans.SpanBatchSender spanBatchSender,
                               com.newrelic.telemetry.logs.LogBatchSender logBatchSender)
        Create a new TelemetryClient instance, with four senders. Note that if you don't intend to send one of the telemetry types, you can pass in a null value for that sender.
        metricBatchSender - The sender for dimensional metrics.
        spanBatchSender - The sender for distributed tracing spans.
        eventBatchSender - The sender for custom events.
        logBatchSender - The sender for log entries.
      • TelemetryClient

        public TelemetryClient​(com.newrelic.telemetry.metrics.MetricBatchSender metricBatchSender,
                               com.newrelic.telemetry.spans.SpanBatchSender spanBatchSender,
                               com.newrelic.telemetry.logs.LogBatchSender logBatchSender,
                               int shutdownSeconds,
                               boolean useDaemonThread)
        Create a new TelemetryClient instance, with four senders and seconds to wait for shutdown.
        metricBatchSender - The sender for dimensional metrics.
        spanBatchSender - The sender for distributed tracing spans.
        eventBatchSender - The sender for custom events
        logBatchSender - The sender for log entries.
        shutdownSeconds - num of seconds to wait for graceful shutdown of its executor
        useDaemonThread - A flag to decide user-threads or daemon-threads
      • TelemetryClient

        public TelemetryClient​(com.newrelic.telemetry.metrics.MetricBatchSender metricBatchSender,
                               com.newrelic.telemetry.spans.SpanBatchSender spanBatchSender)
        Use the constructor with all three senders, passing in null to the ones you don't care about.
        Create a new TelemetryClient instance, with two senders. Note that if you don't intend to send one of the telemetry types, you can pass in a null value for that sender.
        metricBatchSender - The sender for dimensional metrics.
        spanBatchSender - The sender for distributed tracing spans.
    • Method Detail

      • sendBatch

        public void sendBatch​(com.newrelic.telemetry.metrics.MetricBatch batch)
        Send a batch of Metric instances, with standard retry logic. This happens on a background thread, asynchronously, so currently there will be no feedback to the caller outside of the logs.
      • sendBatch

        public void sendBatch​(com.newrelic.telemetry.spans.SpanBatch batch)
        Send a batch of Span instances, with standard retry logic. This happens on a background thread, asynchronously, so currently there will be no feedback to the caller outside of the logs.
      • sendBatch

        public void sendBatch​( batch)
        Send a batch of Event instances, with standard retry logic. This happens on a background thread, asynchronously, so currently there will be no feedback to the caller outside of the logs.
      • sendBatch

        public void sendBatch​(com.newrelic.telemetry.logs.LogBatch batch)
        Send a batch of Log entries, with standard retry logic. This happens on a background thread, asynchronously, so currently there will be no feedback to the caller outside of the logs.
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Cleanly shuts down the background Executor thread.
      • create

        public static TelemetryClient create​(java.util.function.Supplier<com.newrelic.telemetry.http.HttpPoster> httpPosterCreator,
                                             java.lang.String insertApiKey)
        Create a fully operational TelemetryClient with all default options.
        httpPosterCreator - A Supplier used to create an HttpPoster instance.
        insertApiKey - The New Relic Insert API to use.
        A fully operational TelemetryClient instance.