Class RefreshTokenSpec

@Immutable public class RefreshTokenSpec extends OptionalTokenSpec
Refresh token specification.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RefreshTokenSpec

      Creates a new default refresh token specification (no issue).
    • RefreshTokenSpec

      public RefreshTokenSpec(boolean issue, long lifetime)
      Creates a new refresh token specification.
      issue - Controls the refresh token issue. If true a refresh token must be issued (requires a long-lived authorisation), false to prohibit issue.
      lifetime - The refresh token lifetime, in seconds. Zero implies permanent (no expiration) and negative not specified (to let the Connect2id server apply the default configured refresh token lifetime). Applies only if a refresh token is issued.
    • RefreshTokenSpec

      public RefreshTokenSpec(boolean issue, long lifetime, Optional<Boolean> rotate)
      Creates a new refresh token specification.
      issue - Controls the refresh token issue. If true a refresh token must be issued (requires a long-lived authorisation), false to prohibit issue.
      lifetime - The refresh token lifetime, in seconds. Zero implies permanent (no expiration) and negative not specified (to let the Connect2id server apply the default configured refresh token lifetime). Applies only if a refresh token is issued.
      rotate - The optional rotation preference, if none the default refresh token rotation policy will apply.
  • Method Details

    • getRotate

      Returns the optional refresh token rotation preference.
      The rotation preference, if none the default refresh token rotation policy will apply.
    • toJSONObject

      public net.minidev.json.JSONObject toJSONObject()
      Description copied from class: TokenSpec
      Returns a JSON object representation of this token specification.
      toJSONObject in class OptionalTokenSpec
      The JSON object.
    • parse

      public static RefreshTokenSpec parse(net.minidev.json.JSONObject o) throws com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.ParseException
      Parses a refresh token specification from the specified JSON object.
      o - The JSON object. Must not be null.
      The refresh token specification.
      com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.ParseException - If parsing failed.