Class AuthzId

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Identifier, Comparable<Identifier>, net.minidev.json.JSONAware

    public final class AuthzId
    extends BaseIdentifier
    Represents a SASL authorisation identity, as specified in RFC 4513, section This can be a distinguished name (DN) or a username.

    Note that for the purpose of keying and comparing authorisation identities, the DNs are normalised and the usernames are converted to lower case.

    DN form:

     "dn: uid=alice,ou=people,dc=wonderland,dc=net"

    Username form:

     "u: alice"
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthzId

        public AuthzId​(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN dn)
        Creates a new authorisation identity from the specified DN.

        Note that for the purpose of keying and comparing authorisation IDs, the DN will be normalised (simple normalisation, without consulting the schema).

        dn - The DN, must not be null. If DN.NULL_DN indicates an anonymous user.
      • AuthzId

        public AuthzId​(Username username)
        Creates a new authorisation identity from the specified username.

        Note that for the purpose of keying and comparing authorisation IDs, the username will be converted to lower case.

        username - The username, must not be null. If empty indicates an anonymous user.
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static AuthzId parse​(String value)
                             throws ParseException
        Parses a string representation of a SASL authorisation identity.
        value - The string to parse, if null or empty ANONYMOUS is returned.
        The parsed authorisation identity.
        ParseException - On a bad authzid syntax.
      • getDN

        public com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN getDN()
        Gets the identity DN.
        The DN, null if specified as a username instead.
      • getUsername

        public Username getUsername()
        Gets the identity username.
        The username, null if specified as a DN instead.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Description copied from class: BaseIdentifier
        Overrides Object.equals().
        Specified by:
        equals in class BaseIdentifier
        object - The object to compare to.
        true if the objects have the same value, otherwise false.