Class JWK

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ECKey, OctetKeyPair, OctetSequenceKey, RSAKey

public abstract class JWK extends Object implements Serializable
The base abstract class for JSON Web Keys (JWKs). It serialises to a JSON object.

The following JSON object members are common to all JWK types:

Example JWK (of the Elliptic Curve type):

   "kty" : "EC",
   "crv" : "P-256",
   "x"   : "MKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8AiTo7Tu6KPAqv7D4",
   "y"   : "4Etl6SRW2YiLUrN5vfvVHuhp7x8PxltmWWlbbM4IFyM",
   "use" : "enc",
   "kid" : "1"
Vladimir Dzhuvinov, Justin Richer, Stefan Larsson
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • JWK

      @Deprecated protected JWK(KeyType kty, KeyUse use, Set<KeyOperation> ops, Algorithm alg, String kid, URI x5u, Base64URL x5t, Base64URL x5t256, List<Base64> x5c, KeyStore ks)
      Creates a new JSON Web Key (JWK).
      kty - The key type. Must not be null.
      use - The key use, null if not specified or if the key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
      ops - The key operations, null if not specified.
      alg - The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, null if not specified.
      kid - The key ID, null if not specified.
      x5u - The X.509 certificate URL, null if not specified.
      x5t - The X.509 certificate thumbprint, null if not specified.
      x5t256 - The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, null if not specified.
      x5c - The X.509 certificate chain, null if not specified.
      ks - Reference to the underlying key store, null if none.
    • JWK

      @Deprecated protected JWK(KeyType kty, KeyUse use, Set<KeyOperation> ops, Algorithm alg, String kid, URI x5u, Base64URL x5t, Base64URL x5t256, List<Base64> x5c, Date exp, Date nbf, Date iat, KeyStore ks)
      Creates a new JSON Web Key (JWK).
      kty - The key type. Must not be null.
      use - The key use, null if not specified or if the key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
      ops - The key operations, null if not specified.
      alg - The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, null if not specified.
      kid - The key ID, null if not specified.
      x5u - The X.509 certificate URL, null if not specified.
      x5t - The X.509 certificate thumbprint, null if not specified.
      x5t256 - The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, null if not specified.
      x5c - The X.509 certificate chain, null if not specified.
      exp - The key expiration time, null if not specified.
      nbf - The key not-before time, null if not specified.
      iat - The key issued-at time, null if not specified.
      ks - Reference to the underlying key store, null if none.
    • JWK

      protected JWK(KeyType kty, KeyUse use, Set<KeyOperation> ops, Algorithm alg, String kid, URI x5u, Base64URL x5t, Base64URL x5t256, List<Base64> x5c, Date exp, Date nbf, Date iat, KeyRevocation revocation, KeyStore ks)
      Creates a new JSON Web Key (JWK).
      kty - The key type. Must not be null.
      use - The key use, null if not specified or if the key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
      ops - The key operations, null if not specified.
      alg - The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, null if not specified.
      kid - The key ID, null if not specified.
      x5u - The X.509 certificate URL, null if not specified.
      x5t - The X.509 certificate thumbprint, null if not specified.
      x5t256 - The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, null if not specified.
      x5c - The X.509 certificate chain, null if not specified.
      exp - The key expiration time, null if not specified.
      nbf - The key not-before time, null if not specified.
      iat - The key issued-at time, null if not specified.
      revocation - The key revocation, null if not specified.
      ks - Reference to the underlying key store, null if none.
  • Method Details

    • getKeyType

      public KeyType getKeyType()
      Returns the type (kty) of this JWK.
      The key type.
    • getKeyUse

      public KeyUse getKeyUse()
      Returns the use (use) of this JWK.
      The key use, null if not specified or if the key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
    • getKeyOperations

      Returns the operations (key_ops) for this JWK.
      The key operations, null if not specified.
    • getAlgorithm

      Returns the intended JOSE algorithm (alg) for this JWK.
      The intended JOSE algorithm, null if not specified.
    • getKeyID

      public String getKeyID()
      Returns the ID (kid) of this JWK. The key ID can be used to match a specific key. This can be used, for instance, to choose a key within a JWKSet during key rollover. The key ID may also correspond to a JWS/JWE kid header parameter value.
      The key ID, null if not specified.
    • getX509CertURL

      public URI getX509CertURL()
      Returns the X.509 certificate URL (x5u) of this JWK.
      The X.509 certificate URL, null if not specified.
    • getX509CertThumbprint

      Returns the X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint (x5t) of this JWK.
      The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, null if not specified.
    • getX509CertSHA256Thumbprint

      Returns the X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint (x5t#S256) of this JWK.
      The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, null if not specified.
    • getX509CertChain

      Returns the X.509 certificate chain (x5c) of this JWK.
      The X.509 certificate chain as a unmodifiable list, null if not specified.
    • getParsedX509CertChain

      Returns the parsed X.509 certificate chain (x5c) of this JWK.
      The X.509 certificate chain as a unmodifiable list, null if not specified.
    • getExpirationTime

      Returns the expiration time (exp) if this JWK.
      The expiration time, null if not specified.
    • getNotBeforeTime

      Returns the not-before (nbf) of this JWK.
      The not-before time, null if not specified.
    • getIssueTime

      public Date getIssueTime()
      Returns the issued-at (iat) time of this JWK.
      The issued-at time, null if not specified.
    • getKeyRevocation

      Returns the key revocation (revoked) of this JWK.
      The key revocation, null if not specified.
    • getKeyStore

      Returns a reference to the underlying key store.
      The underlying key store, null if none.
    • getRequiredParams

      public abstract LinkedHashMap<String,?> getRequiredParams()
      Returns the required JWK parameters. Intended as input for JWK thumbprint computation. See RFC 7638 for more information.
      The required JWK parameters, sorted alphanumerically by key name and ready for JSON serialisation.
    • computeThumbprint

      Computes the SHA-256 thumbprint of this JWK. See RFC 7638 for more information.
      The SHA-256 thumbprint.
      JOSEException - If the SHA-256 hash algorithm is not supported.
    • computeThumbprint

      Computes the thumbprint of this JWK using the specified hash algorithm. See RFC 7638 for more information.
      hashAlg - The hash algorithm. Must not be null.
      The SHA-256 thumbprint.
      JOSEException - If the hash algorithm is not supported.
    • computeThumbprintURI

      Computes the SHA-256 thumbprint URI of this JWK. See RFC 7638 and draft-ietf-oauth-jwk-thumbprint-uri for more information.
      The SHA-256 thumbprint URI.
      JOSEException - If the SHA-256 hash algorithm is not supported.
    • isPrivate

      public abstract boolean isPrivate()
      Returns true if this JWK contains private or sensitive (non-public) parameters.
      true if this JWK contains private parameters, else false.
    • toPublicJWK

      public abstract JWK toPublicJWK()
      Creates a copy of this JWK with all private or sensitive parameters removed.
      The newly created public JWK, or null if none can be created.
    • toRevokedJWK

      public abstract JWK toRevokedJWK(KeyRevocation keyRevocation)
      Creates a copy of this JWK with the specified key revocation.
      keyRevocation - The key revocation. Must not be null.
      The new JWK with the specified revocation.
      IllegalStateException - If the JWK is already revoked.
    • size

      public abstract int size()
      Returns the size of this JWK.
      The JWK size, in bits.
    • toRSAKey

      public RSAKey toRSAKey()
      Casts this JWK to an RSA JWK.
      The RSA JWK.
    • toECKey

      public ECKey toECKey()
      Casts this JWK to an EC JWK.
      The EC JWK.
    • toOctetSequenceKey

      Casts this JWK to an octet sequence JWK.
      The octet sequence JWK.
    • toOctetKeyPair

      Casts this JWK to an octet key pair JWK.
      The octet key pair JWK.
    • toJSONObject

      Returns a JSON object representation of this JWK. This method is intended to be called from extending classes.


         "kty" : "RSA",
         "use" : "sig",
         "kid" : "fd28e025-8d24-48bc-a51a-e2ffc8bc274b"
      The JSON object representation.
    • toJSONString

      public String toJSONString()
      Returns the JSON object string representation of this JWK.
      The JSON object string representation.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
      See Also:
    • parse

      public static JWK parse(String s) throws ParseException
      Parses a JWK from the specified JSON object string representation. The JWK must be an ECKey, an RSAKey, or a OctetSequenceKey.
      s - The JSON object string to parse. Must not be null.
      The JWK.
      ParseException - If the string couldn't be parsed to a supported JWK.
    • parse

      public static JWK parse(Map<String,Object> jsonObject) throws ParseException
      Parses a JWK from the specified JSON object representation. The JWK must be an ECKey, an RSAKey, or a OctetSequenceKey.
      jsonObject - The JSON object to parse. Must not be null.
      The JWK.
      ParseException - If the JSON object couldn't be parsed to a supported JWK.
    • parse

      public static JWK parse(X509Certificate cert) throws JOSEException
      Parses a public RSA or EC JWK from the specified X.509 certificate. Requires BouncyCastle.

      Important: The X.509 certificate is not validated!

      Sets the following JWK parameters:

      • For an EC key the curve is obtained from the subject public key info algorithm parameters.
      • The JWK use inferred by KeyUse.from(
      • The JWK ID from the X.509 serial number (in base 10).
      • The JWK X.509 certificate chain (this certificate only).
      • The JWK X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint.
      cert - The X.509 certificate. Must not be null.
      The public RSA or EC JWK.
      JOSEException - If parsing failed.
    • parseFromPEMEncodedX509Cert

      public static JWK parseFromPEMEncodedX509Cert(String pemEncodedCert) throws JOSEException
      Parses a public RSA or EC JWK from the specified PEM-encoded X.509 certificate. Requires BouncyCastle.

      Important: The X.509 certificate is not validated!

      Sets the following JWK parameters:

      • For an EC key the curve is obtained from the subject public key info algorithm parameters.
      • The JWK use inferred by KeyUse.from(
      • The JWK ID from the X.509 serial number (in base 10).
      • The JWK X.509 certificate chain (this certificate only).
      • The JWK X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint.
      pemEncodedCert - The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate. Must not be null.
      The public RSA or EC JWK.
      JOSEException - If parsing failed.
    • load

      public static JWK load(KeyStore keyStore, String alias, char[] pin) throws KeyStoreException, JOSEException
      Loads a JWK from the specified JCE key store. The JWK can be a public / private RSA key, a public / private EC key, or a secret key. Requires BouncyCastle.

      Important: The X.509 certificate is not validated!

      keyStore - The key store. Must not be null.
      alias - The alias. Must not be null.
      pin - The pin to unlock the private key if any, empty or null if not required.
      The public / private RSA or EC JWK, or secret JWK, or null if no key with the specified alias was found.
      KeyStoreException - On a key store exception.
      JOSEException - If RSA or EC key loading failed.
    • parseFromPEMEncodedObjects

      public static JWK parseFromPEMEncodedObjects(String pemEncodedObjects) throws JOSEException
      Parses an RSA or EC JWK from the specified string of one or more PEM-encoded object(s):
      • X.509 certificate (PEM header: BEGIN CERTIFICATE)
      • PKCS#1 RSAPublicKey (PEM header: BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY)
      • X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo (PEM header: BEGIN PUBLIC KEY)
      • PKCS#1 RSAPrivateKey (PEM header: BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY)
      • PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo (PEM header: BEGIN PRIVATE KEY)
      • matching pair of the above

      Requires BouncyCastle.

      pemEncodedObjects - The string of PEM-encoded object(s).
      The public / (private) RSA or EC JWK.
      JOSEException - If RSA or EC key parsing failed.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object