Uses of Class

Packages that use JWEHeader
com.nimbusds.jose Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) classes. 
com.nimbusds.jwt JSON Web Token (JWT) classes. 

Uses of JWEHeader in com.nimbusds.jose

Methods in com.nimbusds.jose that return JWEHeader
static JWEHeader JWEHeader.parse(Base64URL base64URL)
          Parses a JWE header from the specified Base64URL.
static JWEHeader JWEHeader.parse(net.minidev.json.JSONObject json)
          Parses a JWE header from the specified JSON object.
static JWEHeader JWEHeader.parse(String s)
          Parses a JWE header from the specified JSON string.

Constructors in com.nimbusds.jose with parameters of type JWEHeader
JWEObject(JWEHeader header, Payload payload)
          Creates a new to-be-encrypted JSON Web Encryption (JWE) object with the specified header and payload.

Uses of JWEHeader in com.nimbusds.jwt

Constructors in com.nimbusds.jwt with parameters of type JWEHeader
EncryptedJWT(JWEHeader header, ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet claimsSet)
          Creates a new to-be-encrypted JSON Web Token (JWT) with the specified header and claims set.

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