Uses of Class

Packages that use JWK
com.nimbusds.jose.jwk JSON Web Key (JWK) classes. 

Uses of JWK in com.nimbusds.jose.jwk

Subclasses of JWK in com.nimbusds.jose.jwk
 class ECKey
          Public and private Elliptic Curve JSON Web Key (JWK).
 class OctetSequenceKey
          Octet sequence JSON Web Key (JWK), used to represent symmetric keys.
 class RSAKey
          Public and private RSA JSON Web Key (JWK).

Methods in com.nimbusds.jose.jwk that return JWK
 JWK JWKSet.getKeyByKeyId(String kid)
          Gets the key from this JSON Web Key (JWK) set as identified by its Key ID (kid) member.
static JWK JWK.parse(net.minidev.json.JSONObject jsonObject)
          Parses a JWK from the specified JSON object representation.
static JWK JWK.parse(String s)
          Parses a JWK from the specified JSON object string representation.
abstract  JWK JWK.toPublicJWK()
          Creates a copy of this JWK with all private or sensitive parameters removed.

Methods in com.nimbusds.jose.jwk that return types with arguments of type JWK
 List<JWK> JWKSet.getKeys()
          Gets the keys (ordered) of this JSON Web Key (JWK) set.

Constructors in com.nimbusds.jose.jwk with parameters of type JWK
JWKSet(JWK key)
          Creates a new JSON Web Key (JWK) set with a single key.

Constructor parameters in com.nimbusds.jose.jwk with type arguments of type JWK
JWKSet(List<JWK> keys)
          Creates a new JSON Web Key (JWK) set with the specified keys.
JWKSet(List<JWK> keys, Map<String,Object> customMembers)
          Creates a new JSON Web Key (JWK) set with the specified keys and additional custom members.

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