Class HealthReport<S,​C extends SecurityContext>

    • Constructor Detail

      • HealthReport

        public HealthReport​(S source,
                            HealthStatus status,
                            long timestamp,
                            C context)
        Creates a new health report.
        source - The event source.
        status - The health status. Must not be null.
        timestamp - The timestamp, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
        context - The optional context, null if not required.
      • HealthReport

        public HealthReport​(S source,
                            HealthStatus status,
                            Exception exception,
                            long timestamp,
                            C context)
        Creates a new health report.
        source - The event source.
        status - The health status. Must not be null.
        exception - The exception in case of a HealthStatus.NOT_HEALTHY, null if not specified.
        timestamp - The timestamp, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
        context - The optional context, null if not required.