Class EncryptionMethod

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Immutable public final class EncryptionMethod extends Algorithm
Encryption method name, represents the enc header parameter in JSON Web Encryption (JWE) objects. This class is immutable.

Includes constants for the following encryption method names:

Additional encryption method names can be defined using the constructors.

Vladimir Dzhuvinov
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • A128CBC_HS256

      public static final EncryptionMethod A128CBC_HS256
      AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 authenticated encryption using a 256 bit key (required).
    • A192CBC_HS384

      public static final EncryptionMethod A192CBC_HS384
      AES_192_CBC_HMAC_SHA_384 authenticated encryption using a 384 bit key (optional).
    • A256CBC_HS512

      public static final EncryptionMethod A256CBC_HS512
      AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 authenticated encryption using a 512 bit key (required).

      AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 authenticated encryption using a 256 bit key, deprecated in JOSE draft suite version 09.

      AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 authenticated encryption using a 512 bit key, deprecated in JOSE draft suite version 09.
    • A128GCM

      public static final EncryptionMethod A128GCM
      AES in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) (NIST.800-38D) using a 128 bit key (recommended).
    • A192GCM

      public static final EncryptionMethod A192GCM
      AES in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) (NIST.800-38D) using a 192 bit key (optional).
    • A256GCM

      public static final EncryptionMethod A256GCM
      AES in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) (NIST.800-38D) using a 256 bit key (recommended).
    • XC20P

      public static final EncryptionMethod XC20P
      XChaCha: eXtended-nonce ChaCha and AEAD_XChaCha20_Poly1305 (optional)
  • Constructor Details

    • EncryptionMethod

      public EncryptionMethod(String name, Requirement req, int cekBitLength)
      Creates a new encryption method.
      name - The encryption method name. Must not be null.
      req - The implementation requirement, null if not known.
      cekBitLength - The Content Encryption Key (CEK) bit length, zero if not specified.
    • EncryptionMethod

      public EncryptionMethod(String name, Requirement req)
      Creates a new encryption method. The Content Encryption Key (CEK) bit length is not specified.
      name - The encryption method name. Must not be null.
      req - The implementation requirement, null if not known.
    • EncryptionMethod

      public EncryptionMethod(String name)
      Creates a new encryption method. The implementation requirement and the Content Encryption Key (CEK) bit length are not specified.
      name - The encryption method name. Must not be null.
  • Method Details

    • cekBitLength

      public int cekBitLength()
      Gets the length of the associated Content Encryption Key (CEK).
      The Content Encryption Key (CEK) bit length, zero if not specified.
    • parse

      public static EncryptionMethod parse(String s)
      Parses an encryption method from the specified string.
      s - The string to parse. Must not be null.
      The encryption method (matching standard algorithm constant, else a newly created algorithm).