Class JWSObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
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@ThreadSafe public class JWSObject extends JOSEObject
JSON Web Signature (JWS) secured object with compact serialisation.

This class is thread-safe.

Vladimir Dzhuvinov
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JWSObject

      public JWSObject(JWSHeader header, Payload payload)
      Creates a new to-be-signed JSON Web Signature (JWS) object with the specified header and payload. The initial state will be unsigned.
      header - The JWS header. Must not be null.
      payload - The payload. Must not be null.
    • JWSObject

      public JWSObject(Base64URL firstPart, Base64URL secondPart, Base64URL thirdPart) throws ParseException
      Creates a new signed JSON Web Signature (JWS) object with the specified serialised parts. The state will be signed.
      firstPart - The first part, corresponding to the JWS header. Must not be null.
      secondPart - The second part, corresponding to the payload. Must not be null.
      thirdPart - The third part, corresponding to the signature. Must not be null.
      ParseException - If parsing of the serialised parts failed.
    • JWSObject

      public JWSObject(Base64URL firstPart, Payload payload, Base64URL thirdPart) throws ParseException
      Creates a new signed JSON Web Signature (JWS) object with the specified serialised parts and payload which can be optionally unencoded (RFC 7797). The state will be signed.
      firstPart - The first part, corresponding to the JWS header. Must not be null.
      payload - The payload. Must not be null.
      thirdPart - The third part, corresponding to the signature. Must not be null.
      ParseException - If parsing of the serialised parts failed.
  • Method Details

    • getHeader

      public JWSHeader getHeader()
      Description copied from class: JOSEObject
      Returns the header of this JOSE object.
      Specified by:
      getHeader in class JOSEObject
      The header.
    • getSigningInput

      public byte[] getSigningInput()
      Returns the signing input for this JWS object.
      The signing input, to be passed to a JWS signer or verifier.
    • getSignature

      Returns the signature of this JWS object.
      The signature, null if the JWS object is not signed yet.
    • getState

      Returns the state of the JWS secured object.
      The state.
    • sign

      public void sign(JWSSigner signer) throws JOSEException
      Signs this JWS object with the specified signer. The JWS object must be in a unsigned state.
      signer - The JWS signer. Must not be null.
      IllegalStateException - If the JWS object is not in an unsigned state.
      JOSEException - If the JWS object couldn't be signed.
    • verify

      public boolean verify(JWSVerifier verifier) throws JOSEException
      Checks the signature of this JWS object with the specified verifier. The JWS object must be in a signed state.
      verifier - The JWS verifier. Must not be null.
      true if the signature was successfully verified, else false.
      IllegalStateException - If the JWS object is not in a signed or verified state.
      JOSEException - If the JWS object couldn't be verified.
    • serialize

      public String serialize()
      Serialises this JWS object to its compact format consisting of Base64URL-encoded parts delimited by period ('.') characters. It must be in a signed or verified state.
      Specified by:
      serialize in class JOSEObject
      The serialised JWS object.
      IllegalStateException - If the JWS object is not in a signed or verified state.
    • serialize

      public String serialize(boolean detachedPayload)
      Serialises this JWS object to its compact format consisting of Base64URL-encoded parts delimited by period ('.') characters. It must be in a signed or verified state.
      detachedPayload - true to return a serialised object with a detached payload compliant with RFC 7797, false for regular JWS serialisation.
      The serialised JOSE object.
      IllegalStateException - If the JOSE object is not in a state that permits serialisation.
    • parse

      public static JWSObject parse(String s) throws ParseException
      Parses a JWS object from the specified string in compact format. The parsed JWS object will be given a JWSObject.State.SIGNED state.
      s - The JWS string to parse. Must not be null.
      The JWS object.
      ParseException - If the string couldn't be parsed to a JWS object.
    • parse

      public static JWSObject parse(String s, Payload detachedPayload) throws ParseException
      Parses a JWS object from the specified string in compact format and a detached payload which can be optionally unencoded (RFC 7797). The parsed JWS object will be given a JWSObject.State.SIGNED state.
      s - The JWS string to parse for a detached payload. Must not be null.
      detachedPayload - The detached payload, optionally unencoded (RFC 7797). Must not be null.
      The JWS object.
      ParseException - If the string couldn't be parsed to a JWS object.