Class TrustMarkStatusRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • TrustMarkStatusRequest

        public TrustMarkStatusRequest​(URI endpoint,
                                      Subject subject,
                                      Identifier id,
                                      Date iat)
        Creates a new trust mark status request.
        endpoint - The trust mark status endpoint. Must not be null.
        subject - The subject. Must not be null.
        id - The trust mark identifier. Must not be null.
        iat - The trust mark issue time, null if not specified.
      • TrustMarkStatusRequest

        public TrustMarkStatusRequest​(URI endpoint,
                                      com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT trustMark)
        Creates a new trust mark status request.
        endpoint - The trust mark status endpoint. Must not be null.
        trustMark - The trust mark. Must not be null.