Class CIBARequest

All Implemented Interfaces:
Message, Request

@Immutable public class CIBARequest extends AbstractAuthenticatedRequest

CIBA request to an OpenID provider / OAuth 2.0 authorisation server backend authentication endpoint. Supports plan as well as signed (JWT) requests.

Example HTTP request:

 POST /bc-authorize HTTP/1.1
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Related specifications:

  • OpenID Connect CIBA Flow - Core 1.0, section 7.1.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CIBARequest

      @Deprecated public CIBARequest(URI uri, ClientAuthentication clientAuth, Scope scope, BearerAccessToken clientNotificationToken, List<ACR> acrValues, String loginHintTokenString, com.nimbusds.jwt.JWT idTokenHint, String loginHint, String bindingMessage, Secret userCode, Integer requestedExpiry, Map<String,List<String>> customParams)
      Creates a new CIBA request.
      uri - The endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      clientAuth - The client authentication. Must not be null.
      scope - The requested scope. Must not be empty or null.
      clientNotificationToken - The client notification token, null if not specified.
      acrValues - The requested ACR values, null if not specified.
      loginHintTokenString - The login hint token string, null if not specified.
      idTokenHint - The ID Token hint, null if not specified.
      loginHint - The login hint, null if not specified.
      bindingMessage - The binding message, null if not specified.
      userCode - The user code, null if not specified.
      requestedExpiry - The required expiry (as positive integer), null if not specified.
      customParams - Custom parameters, empty or null if not specified.
    • CIBARequest

      @Deprecated public CIBARequest(URI uri, ClientAuthentication clientAuth, Scope scope, BearerAccessToken clientNotificationToken, List<ACR> acrValues, String loginHintTokenString, com.nimbusds.jwt.JWT idTokenHint, String loginHint, String bindingMessage, Secret userCode, Integer requestedExpiry, OIDCClaimsRequest claims, Map<String,List<String>> customParams)
      Creates a new CIBA request.
      uri - The endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      clientAuth - The client authentication. Must not be null.
      scope - The requested scope. Must not be empty or null.
      clientNotificationToken - The client notification token, null if not specified.
      acrValues - The requested ACR values, null if not specified.
      loginHintTokenString - The login hint token string, null if not specified.
      idTokenHint - The ID Token hint, null if not specified.
      loginHint - The login hint, null if not specified.
      bindingMessage - The binding message, null if not specified.
      userCode - The user code, null if not specified.
      requestedExpiry - The required expiry (as positive integer), null if not specified.
      claims - The individual claims to be returned, null if not specified.
      customParams - Custom parameters, empty or null if not specified.
    • CIBARequest

      @Deprecated public CIBARequest(URI uri, ClientAuthentication clientAuth, Scope scope, BearerAccessToken clientNotificationToken, List<ACR> acrValues, String loginHintTokenString, com.nimbusds.jwt.JWT idTokenHint, String loginHint, String bindingMessage, Secret userCode, Integer requestedExpiry, OIDCClaimsRequest claims, List<com.nimbusds.langtag.LangTag> claimsLocales, String purpose, List<URI> resources, Map<String,List<String>> customParams)
      Creates a new CIBA request.
      uri - The endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      clientAuth - The client authentication. Must not be null.
      scope - The requested scope. Must not be empty or null.
      clientNotificationToken - The client notification token, null if not specified.
      acrValues - The requested ACR values, null if not specified.
      loginHintTokenString - The login hint token string, null if not specified.
      idTokenHint - The ID Token hint, null if not specified.
      loginHint - The login hint, null if not specified.
      bindingMessage - The binding message, null if not specified.
      userCode - The user code, null if not specified.
      requestedExpiry - The required expiry (as positive integer), null if not specified.
      claims - The individual claims to be returned, null if not specified.
      claimsLocales - The preferred languages and scripts for claims being returned, null if not specified.
      purpose - The transaction specific purpose, null if not specified.
      resources - The resource URI(s), null if not specified.
      customParams - Custom parameters, empty or null if not specified.
    • CIBARequest

      public CIBARequest(URI uri, ClientAuthentication clientAuth, Scope scope, BearerAccessToken clientNotificationToken, List<ACR> acrValues, String loginHintTokenString, com.nimbusds.jwt.JWT idTokenHint, String loginHint, String bindingMessage, Secret userCode, Integer requestedExpiry, OIDCClaimsRequest claims, List<com.nimbusds.langtag.LangTag> claimsLocales, String purpose, List<AuthorizationDetail> authorizationDetails, List<URI> resources, Map<String,List<String>> customParams)
      Creates a new CIBA request.
      uri - The endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      clientAuth - The client authentication. Must not be null.
      scope - The requested scope. Must not be empty or null.
      clientNotificationToken - The client notification token, null if not specified.
      acrValues - The requested ACR values, null if not specified.
      loginHintTokenString - The login hint token string, null if not specified.
      idTokenHint - The ID Token hint, null if not specified.
      loginHint - The login hint, null if not specified.
      bindingMessage - The binding message, null if not specified.
      userCode - The user code, null if not specified.
      requestedExpiry - The required expiry (as positive integer), null if not specified.
      claims - The individual claims to be returned, null if not specified.
      claimsLocales - The preferred languages and scripts for claims being returned, null if not specified.
      purpose - The transaction specific purpose, null if not specified.
      authorizationDetails - The Rich Authorisation Request (RAR) details, null if not specified.
      resources - The resource URI(s), null if not specified.
      customParams - Custom parameters, empty or null if not specified.
    • CIBARequest

      public CIBARequest(URI uri, ClientAuthentication clientAuth, com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT signedRequest)
      Creates a new CIBA signed request.
      uri - The endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      clientAuth - The client authentication. Must not be null.
      signedRequest - The signed request JWT. Must not be null.
  • Method Details

    • getRegisteredParameterNames

      Returns the registered (standard) CIBA request parameter names.
      The registered CIBA request parameter names, as an unmodifiable set.
    • getScope

      public Scope getScope()
      Returns the scope. Corresponds to the optional scope parameter.
      The scope, null if not specified.
    • getClientNotificationToken

      Returns the client notification token, required for the CIBA ping and push token delivery modes. Corresponds to the client_notification_token parameter.
      The client notification token, null if not specified.
    • getACRValues

      public List<ACR> getACRValues()
      Returns the requested Authentication Context Class Reference values. Corresponds to the optional acr_values parameter.
      The requested ACR values, null if not specified.
    • getHintType

      Returns the hint type.
      The hint type.
    • getLoginHintTokenString

      Returns the login hint token string, containing information identifying the end-user for whom authentication is being requested. Corresponds to the login_hint_token parameter.
      The login hint token string, null if not specified.
    • getIDTokenHint

      public com.nimbusds.jwt.JWT getIDTokenHint()
      Returns the ID Token hint, passed as a hint to identify the end-user for whom authentication is being requested. Corresponds to the id_token_hint parameter.
      The ID Token hint, null if not specified.
    • getLoginHint

      public String getLoginHint()
      Returns the login hint (email address, phone number, etc), about the end-user for whom authentication is being requested. Corresponds to the login_hint parameter.
      The login hint, null if not specified.
    • getBindingMessage

      Returns the human-readable binding message for the display at the consumption and authentication devices. Corresponds to the binding_message parameter.
      The binding message, null if not specified.
    • getUserCode

      public Secret getUserCode()
      Returns the user secret code (password, PIN, etc) to authorise the CIBA request with the authentication device. Corresponds to the user_code parameter.
      The user code, null if not specified.
    • getRequestedExpiry

      Returns the requested expiration for the auth_req_id. Corresponds to the requested_expiry parameter.
      The required expiry (as positive integer), null if not specified.
    • getOIDCClaims

      Returns the individual claims to be returned. Corresponds to the optional claims parameter.
      The individual claims to be returned, null if not specified.
    • getClaimsLocales

      public List<com.nimbusds.langtag.LangTag> getClaimsLocales()
      Returns the end-user's preferred languages and scripts for the claims being returned, ordered by preference. Corresponds to the optional claims_locales parameter.
      The preferred claims locales, null if not specified.
    • getPurpose

      public String getPurpose()
      Returns the transaction specific purpose. Corresponds to the optional purpose parameter.
      The purpose, null if not specified.
    • getAuthorizationDetails

      Returns the Rich Authorisation Request (RAR) details.
      The authorisation details, null if not specified.
    • getResources

      public List<URI> getResources()
      Returns the resource server URI.
      The resource URI(s), null if not specified.
    • getCustomParameters

      Returns the additional custom parameters.
      The additional custom parameters as an unmodifiable map, empty map if none.
    • getCustomParameter

      Returns the specified custom parameter.
      name - The parameter name. Must not be null.
      The parameter value(s), null if not specified.
    • isSigned

      public boolean isSigned()
      Returns true if this request is signed.
      true for a signed request, false for a plain request.
    • getRequestJWT

      public com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT getRequestJWT()
      Returns the JWT for a signed request.
      The request JWT.
    • toParameters

      Returns the for parameters for this CIBA request. Parameters which are part of the client authentication are not included.
      The parameters.
    • toJWTClaimsSet

      public com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet toJWTClaimsSet()
      Returns the parameters for this CIBA request as a JSON Web Token (JWT) claims set. Intended for creating a signed CIBA request.
      The parameters as JWT claim set.
    • toHTTPRequest

      Returns the matching HTTP request.
      The HTTP request.
    • parse

      public static CIBARequest parse(HTTPRequest httpRequest) throws ParseException
      Parses a CIBA request from the specified HTTP request.
      httpRequest - The HTTP request. Must not be null.
      The CIBA request.
      ParseException - If parsing failed.