Class IdentityVerification

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Immutable public final class IdentityVerification extends Object implements net.minidev.json.JSONAware
Identity verification.

Related specifications:

  • OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0, section 5.1.
  • Constructor Details

    • IdentityVerification

      Creates a new identity verification with a single evidence.
      trustFramework - The trust framework. Must not be null.
      time - The verification timestamp if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      verificationProcess - The verification process reference if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      evidence - The identity evidence, null if not specified.
    • IdentityVerification

      public IdentityVerification(IdentityTrustFramework trustFramework, IdentityAssuranceLevel assuranceLevel, IdentityAssuranceProcess assuranceProcess, DateWithTimeZoneOffset time, VerificationProcess verificationProcess, IdentityEvidence evidence)
      Creates a new identity verification with a single evidence.
      trustFramework - The trust framework. Must not be null.
      assuranceLevel - The assurance level if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      assuranceProcess - The assurance process if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      time - The verification timestamp if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      verificationProcess - The verification process reference if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      evidence - The identity evidence, null if not specified.
    • IdentityVerification

      Creates a new identity verification with multiple evidences.
      trustFramework - The trust framework. Must not be null.
      time - The verification timestamp if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      verificationProcess - The verification process reference if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      evidence - The identity evidences, null if not specified.
    • IdentityVerification

      public IdentityVerification(IdentityTrustFramework trustFramework, IdentityAssuranceLevel assuranceLevel, IdentityAssuranceProcess assuranceProcess, DateWithTimeZoneOffset time, VerificationProcess verificationProcess, List<IdentityEvidence> evidence)
      Creates a new identity verification with multiple evidences.
      trustFramework - The trust framework. Must not be null.
      assuranceLevel - The assurance level if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      assuranceProcess - The assurance process if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      time - The verification timestamp if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      verificationProcess - The verification process reference if required by the trust framework, null if not required.
      evidence - The identity evidences, null if not specified.
  • Method Details

    • getTrustFramework

      Returns the trust framework.
      The trust framework.
    • getAssuranceLevel

      Returns the assurance level.
      The assurance level if required by the trust framework, null if not specified.
    • getAssuranceProcess

      Returns the assurance process.
      The assurance process if required by the trust framework, null if not specified.
    • getVerificationTime

      Returns the verification timestamp.
      The verification timestamp if required by the trust framework, null if not specified.
    • getVerificationProcess

      Returns the verification process reference.
      The verification process reference if required by the trust framework, null if not specified.
    • getEvidence

      Returns the identity evidence.
      The identity evidence, null or empty if not specified.
    • toJSONObject

      public net.minidev.json.JSONObject toJSONObject()
      Returns a JSON object representation of this identity verification.
      The JSON object.
    • toJSONString

      public String toJSONString()
      Specified by:
      toJSONString in interface net.minidev.json.JSONAware
    • parse

      public static IdentityVerification parse(net.minidev.json.JSONObject jsonObject) throws ParseException
      Parses an identity verification from the specified JSON object.
      jsonObject - The JSON object. Must not be null.
      The identity verification.
      ParseException - If parsing failed.