Class FederationAPIError

    • Constructor Detail

      • FederationAPIError

        public FederationAPIError​(String code,
                                  String description)
        Creates a new federation API error.
        code - The error code, null if not specified.
        description - The error description, null if not specified.
      • FederationAPIError

        public FederationAPIError​(String code,
                                  String description,
                                  int httpStatusCode)
        Creates a new federation API error.
        code - The error code, null if not specified.
        description - The error description, null if not specified.
        httpStatusCode - The HTTP status code, zero if not specified.
    • Method Detail

      • withStatusCode

        public FederationAPIError withStatusCode​(int httpStatusCode)
        Returns a copy of this federation API error with the specified HTTP status code.
        httpStatusCode - The HTTP status code, zero if not specified.
        The new federation API error.
      • parse

        public static FederationAPIError parse​(net.minidev.json.JSONObject jsonObject)
        Parses a federation API error object from the specified JSON object.
        jsonObject - The JSON object to parse. Must not be null.
        The federation API error object.
      • parse

        public static FederationAPIError parse​(HTTPResponse httpResponse)
        Parses a federation API error object from the specified HTTP response.
        httpResponse - The HTTP response to parse. Must not be null.
        The federation API error object.