Class OIDCAuthorizationRequestResolver

  extended by com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.OIDCAuthorizationRequestResolver

public class OIDCAuthorizationRequestResolver
extends Object

OpenID Connect authorisation request resolver. Takes in a raw OIDCAuthorizationRequest and if an OpenID request object is present applies it to derive the final authorisation request parameters, ID Token and UserInfo claims.

To process OpenID request objects the resolver must be supplied with a retriever for remote JOSE objects and a decoder to handle their JOSE decoding and JWS validation and/or JWE decryption.

This class is thread-safe.

$version$ (2013-01-30)
Vladimir Dzhuvinov

Constructor Summary
OIDCAuthorizationRequestResolver(JOSEObjectDecoder decoder)
          Creates a new OpenID Connect authorisation request resolver with a default JOSE object retriever.
OIDCAuthorizationRequestResolver(JOSEObjectRetriever retriever, JOSEObjectDecoder decoder)
          Creates a new OpenID Connect authorisation request resolver.
Method Summary
 JOSEObjectDecoder getJOSEObjectDecoder()
          Gets the configured JOSE object decoder.
 JOSEObjectRetriever getJOSEObjectRetriever()
          Gets the configured JOSE object retriever.
 ResolvedOIDCAuthorizationRequest resolve(OIDCAuthorizationRequest request)
          Resolves an OpenID Connect authorisation request.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OIDCAuthorizationRequestResolver(JOSEObjectDecoder decoder)
Creates a new OpenID Connect authorisation request resolver with a default JOSE object retriever.

decoder - A configured JOSE decoder and JWS validator/JWE decryptor for the optional OpenID request objects. Must not be null.


public OIDCAuthorizationRequestResolver(JOSEObjectRetriever retriever,
                                        JOSEObjectDecoder decoder)
Creates a new OpenID Connect authorisation request resolver.

retriever - A configured retriever for optional OpenID request objects passed by URI reference. Must not be null.
decoder - A configured JOSE decoder and JWS validator/JWE decryptor for the optional OpenID request objects. Must not be null.
Method Detail


public JOSEObjectRetriever getJOSEObjectRetriever()
Gets the configured JOSE object retriever.

The JOSE object retriever.


public JOSEObjectDecoder getJOSEObjectDecoder()
Gets the configured JOSE object decoder.

The JOSE object decoder.


public ResolvedOIDCAuthorizationRequest resolve(OIDCAuthorizationRequest request)
                                         throws ResolveException
Resolves an OpenID Connect authorisation request.

request - The OpenID Connect authorisation request to resolve. Must not be null.
The resolved requested authorisation parameters, ID Token and UserInfo claims.
ResolveException - If the authorisation request couldn't be resolved due to an invalid OpenID request object.

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