Class OIDCTokenErrorResponse

  extended by com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.TokenResponse
      extended by com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.TokenErrorResponse
          extended by com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.OIDCTokenErrorResponse
All Implemented Interfaces:
ErrorResponse, Message, Response, OIDCTokenResponse

public class OIDCTokenErrorResponse
extends TokenErrorResponse
implements OIDCTokenResponse

OpenID Connect token error response. This class is immutable.

Standard token errors:

Example HTTP response:

 HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
 Content-Type: application/json
 Cache-Control: no-store
 Pragma: no-cache
  "error": "invalid_request"

Related specifications:

$version$ (2013-01-30)
Vladimir Dzhuvinov

Constructor Summary
OIDCTokenErrorResponse(ErrorObject error)
          Creates a new OpenID Connect token error response.
Method Summary
static OIDCTokenErrorResponse parse(HTTPResponse httpResponse)
          Parses an OpenID Connect token error response from the specified HTTP response.
static OIDCTokenErrorResponse parse(net.minidev.json.JSONObject jsonObject)
          Parses an OpenID Connect token error response from the specified JSON object.
Methods inherited from class com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.TokenErrorResponse
getErrorObject, getStandardErrors, toHTTPResponse, toJSONObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.Response

Constructor Detail


public OIDCTokenErrorResponse(ErrorObject error)
Creates a new OpenID Connect token error response.

error - The error. Should match one of the standard errors for a token error response. Must not be null.
Method Detail


public static OIDCTokenErrorResponse parse(net.minidev.json.JSONObject jsonObject)
                                    throws ParseException
Parses an OpenID Connect token error response from the specified JSON object.

jsonObject - The JSON object to parse. Its status code must not be 200 (OK). Must not be null.
ParseException - If the JSON object couldn't be parsed to an OpenID Connect token error response.


public static OIDCTokenErrorResponse parse(HTTPResponse httpResponse)
                                    throws ParseException
Parses an OpenID Connect token error response from the specified HTTP response.

httpResponse - The HTTP response to parse. Its status code must not be 200 (OK). Must not be null.
ParseException - If the JSON object couldn't be parsed to an OpenID Connect token error response.

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