Package com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk

Classes for representing, serialising and parsing OAuth 2.0 client requests and server responses.


Interface Summary
ErrorResponse Response message indicating an error.
Message Marker interface for OAuth 2.0 authorisation framework messages.
Request Request message, serialises to an HTTP request.
Response Response message, serialises to an HTTP response.
SuccessResponse Response message indicating success.

Class Summary
AccessTokenRequest Access token request to the Token endpoint.
AccessTokenResponse Access token response from the Token endpoint.
AuthorizationCode Authorisation code.
AuthorizationErrorResponse Authorisation error response.
AuthorizationRequest Authorisation request.
AuthorizationResponse The base abstract class for authorisation success and error responses.
AuthorizationSuccessResponse Authorisation success response.
ErrorObject Error object, used to encapsulate OAuth 2.0 and other errors.
GrantType Authorisation grant type.
OAuth2Error OAuth 2.0 authorisation and token endpoint errors.
ProtectedResourceRequest Base abstract class for protected resource requests using an OAuth 2.0 access token.
RefreshTokenRequest Refresh token request to the Token endpoint.
ResponseType Authorisation response type.
ResponseType.Value Authorisation response type value.
Scope Authorisation scope.
Scope.Value Authorisation scope value.
TokenErrorResponse OAuth 2.0 Token error response.
TokenRequest The base abstract class for access token and refresh token requests to the Token endpoint.
TokenResponse Token endpoint response.

Enum Summary
ClientType Enumeration of OAuth 2.0 client types.
Role Enumeration of OAuth 2.0 roles.
Scope.Value.Requirement Enumeration of the scope value requirements for application-specific authorisation requests.

Exception Summary
GeneralException The base class for exceptions defined in this SDK.
ParseException Parse exception.
SerializeException Serialization exception.

Package com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk Description

Classes for representing, serialising and parsing OAuth 2.0 client requests and server responses.

Authorisation endpoint messages:

Token endpoint messages:

Protected resource messages: