Class OIDCError

  extended by com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.OIDCError

public final class OIDCError
extends Object

OpenID Connect specific errors.

Vladimir Dzhuvinov

Field Summary
static ErrorObject CONSENT_REQUIRED
          The authorisation server requires end-user consent.
          The authorisation server requires end-user interaction of some form to proceed.
          The request parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest contains an invalid OpenID Connect request object.
static ErrorObject INVALID_REQUEST_URI
          The request_uri in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest returns an error or invalid data.
static ErrorObject LOGIN_REQUIRED
          The authorisation server requires end-user authentication.
          The registration parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest is not supported.
          The request parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest is not supported.
          The request_uri parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest is not supported.
          The end-user is required to select a session at the authorisation server.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final ErrorObject INTERACTION_REQUIRED
The authorisation server requires end-user interaction of some form to proceed. This error may be returned when the Prompt parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest is set to none to request that the authorisation server should not display any user interfaces to the end-user, but the OIDCAuthorizationRequest cannot be completed without displaying a user interface for end-user interaction.


public static final ErrorObject LOGIN_REQUIRED
The authorisation server requires end-user authentication. This error may be returned when the prompt parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest is set to Prompt.Type.NONE to request that the authorisation server should not display any user interfaces to the end-user, but the OIDCAuthorizationRequest cannot be completed without displaying a user interface for user authentication.


public static final ErrorObject SESSION_SELECTION_REQUIRED
The end-user is required to select a session at the authorisation server. The end-user may be authenticated at the authorisation server with different associated accounts, but the end-user did not select a session. This error may be returned when the prompt parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest is set to Prompt.Type.NONE to request that the authorisation server should not display any user interfaces to the end-user, but the OIDCAuthorizationRequest cannot be completed without displaying a user interface to prompt for a session to use.


public static final ErrorObject CONSENT_REQUIRED
The authorisation server requires end-user consent. This error may be returned when the prompt parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest is set to Prompt.Type.NONE to request that the authorisation server should not display any user interfaces to the end-user, but the OIDCAuthorizationRequest cannot be completed without displaying a user interface for end-user consent.


public static final ErrorObject INVALID_REQUEST_URI
The request_uri in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest returns an error or invalid data.


public static final ErrorObject INVALID_REQUEST_OBJECT
The request parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest contains an invalid OpenID Connect request object.


public static final ErrorObject REGISTRATION_NOT_SUPPORTED
The registration parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest is not supported. Applies only to self-issued OpenID providers.


public static final ErrorObject REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED
The request parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest is not supported.


public static final ErrorObject REQUEST_URI_NOT_SUPPORTED
The request_uri parameter in the OIDCAuthorizationRequest is not supported.

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