
Claims and claim sets used in OpenID Connect.


Class Summary
AccessTokenHash Access token hash (at_hash).
ACR Authentication Context Class Reference (acr).
Address UserInfo address claims set, serialisable to a JSON object.
AMR Authentication Method Reference (amr).
AuthorizedParty OAuth 2.0 client authorized to use the ID Token as an OAuth access token, if different than the client that requested the ID Token (azp).
ClaimsSet Claims set serialisable to a JSON object.
CodeHash Authorisation code hash (c_hash).
Gender The end-user's gender: Values defined by the OpenID Connect specification are Gender.FEMALE and Gender.MALE (gender).
UserInfo UserInfo claims set, serialisable to a JSON object.

Enum Summary
ClaimRequirement Enumeration of the claim requirement types.
ClaimType Enumeration of the claim types.

Package Description

Claims and claim sets used in OpenID Connect.

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