Class ClientSecretPost

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientSecretPost

        public ClientSecretPost​(ClientID clientID,
                                Secret secret)
        Creates a new client secret post authentication.
        clientID - The client identifier. Must not be null.
        secret - The client secret. Must not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • toParameters

        public Map<String,​List<String>> toParameters()
        Returns the parameter representation of this client secret post authentication. Note that the parameters are not application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded.

        Parameters map:

         "client_id" = [client-identifier]
         "client_secret" = [client-secret]
        The parameters map, with keys "client_id" and "client_secret".
      • applyTo

        public void applyTo​(HTTPRequest httpRequest)
        Description copied from class: ClientAuthentication
        Applies the authentication to the specified HTTP request by setting its Authorization header and/or POST entity-body parameters (according to the implemented client authentication method).
        Specified by:
        applyTo in class ClientAuthentication
        httpRequest - The HTTP request. Must not be null.
      • parse

        public static ClientSecretPost parse​(Map<String,​List<String>> params)
                                      throws ParseException
        Parses a client secret post authentication from the specified parameters map. Note that the parameters must not be application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded.
        params - The parameters map to parse. The client secret post parameters must be keyed under "client_id" and "client_secret". The map must not be null.
        The client secret post authentication.
        ParseException - If the parameters map couldn't be parsed to a client secret post authentication.
      • parse

        public static ClientSecretPost parse​(String paramsString)
                                      throws ParseException
        Parses a client secret post authentication from the specified application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded parameters string.
        paramsString - The parameters string to parse. The client secret post parameters must be keyed under "client_id" and "client_secret". The string must not be null.
        The client secret post authentication.
        ParseException - If the parameters string couldn't be parsed to a client secret post authentication.
      • parse

        public static ClientSecretPost parse​(HTTPRequest httpRequest)
                                      throws ParseException
        Parses a client secret post authentication from the specified HTTP POST request.
        httpRequest - The HTTP POST request to parse. Must not be null and must contain a valid application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded parameters string in the entity body. The client secret post parameters must be keyed under "client_id" and "client_secret".
        The client secret post authentication.
        ParseException - If the HTTP request header couldn't be parsed to a valid client secret post authentication.