Class UserInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UserInfo
    extends PersonClaims
    UserInfo claims set, serialisable to a JSON object.

    Supports normal, aggregated and distributed claims.

    Example UserInfo claims set:

       "sub"                : "248289761001",
       "name"               : "Jane Doe",
       "given_name"         : "Jane",
       "family_name"        : "Doe",
       "preferred_username" : "j.doe",
       "email"              : "[email protected]",
       "picture"            : ""

    Related specifications:

    • OpenID Connect Core 1.0, sections 5.1 and 5.6.
    • OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0, section 3.1.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserInfo

        public UserInfo​(Subject sub)
        Creates a new minimal UserInfo claims set.
        sub - The subject. Must not be null.
      • UserInfo

        public UserInfo​(net.minidev.json.JSONObject jsonObject)
        Creates a new UserInfo claims set from the specified JSON object.
        jsonObject - The JSON object. Must not be null.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the JSON object doesn't contain a subject sub string claim.
      • UserInfo

        public UserInfo​(com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet)
        Creates a new UserInfo claims set from the specified JSON Web Token (JWT) claims set.
        jwtClaimsSet - The JWT claims set. Must not be null.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the JWT claims set doesn't contain a subject sub string claim.
    • Method Detail

      • getStandardClaimNames

        public static Set<StringgetStandardClaimNames()
        Gets the names of the standard top-level UserInfo claims.
        The names of the standard top-level UserInfo claims (read-only set).
      • putAll

        public void putAll​(UserInfo other)
        Puts all claims from the specified other UserInfo claims set. Aggregated and distributed claims are properly merged.
        other - The other UserInfo. Must have the same subject. Must not be null.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the other UserInfo claims set doesn't have an identical subject, or if the external claims source ID of the other UserInfo matches an existing source ID.
      • getSubject

        public Subject getSubject()
        Gets the UserInfo subject. Corresponds to the sub claim.
        The subject.
      • getVerifiedClaims

        public List<VerifiedClaimsSetgetVerifiedClaims()
        Gets the verified claims. Corresponds to the verified_claims claim from OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
        List of the verified claims sets, null if not specified or parsing failed.
      • setVerifiedClaims

        public void setVerifiedClaims​(VerifiedClaimsSet verifiedClaims)
        Sets the verified claims. Corresponds to the verified_claims claim from OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
        verifiedClaims - The verified claims set, null if not specified.
      • setVerifiedClaims

        public void setVerifiedClaims​(List<VerifiedClaimsSet> verifiedClaimsList)
        Sets a list of verified claims with separate verifications. Corresponds to the verified_claims claim from OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
        verifiedClaimsList - List of the verified claims sets, null if not specified or parsing failed.
      • addAggregatedClaims

        public void addAggregatedClaims​(AggregatedClaims aggregatedClaims)
        Adds the specified aggregated claims provided by an external claims source.
        aggregatedClaims - The aggregated claims instance, if null nothing will be added.
      • getAggregatedClaims

        public Set<AggregatedClaimsgetAggregatedClaims()
        Gets the included aggregated claims provided by each external claims source.
        The aggregated claims, null if none are found.
      • addDistributedClaims

        public void addDistributedClaims​(DistributedClaims distributedClaims)
        Adds the specified distributed claims from an external claims source.
        distributedClaims - The distributed claims instance, if null nothing will be added.
      • getDistributedClaims

        public Set<DistributedClaimsgetDistributedClaims()
        Gets the included distributed claims provided by each external claims source.
        The distributed claims, null if none are found.
      • parse

        public static UserInfo parse​(String json)
                              throws ParseException
        Parses a UserInfo claims set from the specified JSON object string.
        json - The JSON object string to parse. Must not be null.
        The UserInfo claims set.
        ParseException - If parsing failed.