Package com.ning.http.client.providers.netty.netty4

Class Summary
BinaryWebSocketFrame Web Socket frame containing binary data
CloseWebSocketFrame Web Socket Frame for closing the connection
ContinuationWebSocketFrame Web Socket continuation frame containing continuation text or binary data.
PingWebSocketFrame Web Socket frame containing binary data
PongWebSocketFrame Web Socket frame containing binary data
TextWebSocketFrame Web Socket text frame with assumed UTF-8 encoding
UTF8Output Checks UTF8 bytes for validity before converting it into a string
WebSocket08FrameDecoder Decodes a web socket frame from wire protocol version 8 format.
WebSocket08FrameEncoder Encodes a web socket frame into wire protocol version 8 format.
WebSocketFrame Base class for web socket frames

Enum Summary
WebSocketFrameType Type of web socket frames

Exception Summary
UTF8Exception Invalid UTF8 bytes encountered

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