Class MultipartRequestEntity

  extended by com.ning.http.multipart.MultipartRequestEntity
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MultipartRequestEntity
extends Object
implements RequestEntity

This class is an adaptation of the Apache HttpClient implementation

Field Summary
protected  Part[] parts
          The MIME parts as set by the constructor
Constructor Summary
MultipartRequestEntity(Part[] parts, FluentStringsMap methodParams)
          Creates a new multipart entity containing the given parts.
Method Summary
 long getContentLength()
          Gets the request entity's length.
 String getContentType()
          Gets the entity's content type.
protected  byte[] getMultipartBoundary()
          Returns the MIME boundary string that is used to demarcate boundaries of this part.
 boolean isRepeatable()
          Returns true if all parts are repeatable, false otherwise.
 void writeRequest(OutputStream out)
          Writes the request entity to the given stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Part[] parts
The MIME parts as set by the constructor

Constructor Detail


public MultipartRequestEntity(Part[] parts,
                              FluentStringsMap methodParams)
Creates a new multipart entity containing the given parts.

parts - The parts to include.
methodParams - The params of the HttpMethod using this entity.
Method Detail


protected byte[] getMultipartBoundary()
Returns the MIME boundary string that is used to demarcate boundaries of this part. The first call to this method will implicitly create a new boundary string. To create a boundary string first the HttpMethodParams.MULTIPART_BOUNDARY parameter is considered. Otherwise a random one is generated.

The boundary string of this entity in ASCII encoding.


public boolean isRepeatable()
Returns true if all parts are repeatable, false otherwise.

Specified by:
isRepeatable in interface RequestEntity
true if the entity can be written to OutputStream more than once, false otherwise.


public void writeRequest(OutputStream out)
                  throws IOException
Description copied from interface: RequestEntity
Writes the request entity to the given stream.

Specified by:
writeRequest in interface RequestEntity


public long getContentLength()
Description copied from interface: RequestEntity
Gets the request entity's length. This method should return a non-negative value if the content length is known or a negative value if it is not. In the latter case the EntityEnclosingMethod will use chunk encoding to transmit the request entity.

Specified by:
getContentLength in interface RequestEntity
a non-negative value when content length is known or a negative value when content length is not known


public String getContentType()
Description copied from interface: RequestEntity
Gets the entity's content type. This content type will be used as the value for the "Content-Type" header.

Specified by:
getContentType in interface RequestEntity
the entity's content type

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