Class ResponseBodyPart

  extended by com.ning.http.client.HttpContent
      extended by com.ning.http.client.HttpResponseBodyPart
          extended by com.ning.http.client.providers.jdk.ResponseBodyPart

public class ResponseBodyPart
extends HttpResponseBodyPart

A callback class used when an HTTP response body is received.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.ning.http.client.HttpContent
provider, uri
Constructor Summary
ResponseBodyPart(URI uri, byte[] chunk, AsyncHttpProvider provider, boolean last)
Method Summary
 boolean closeUnderlyingConnection()
          Return true of the underlying connection will be closed once the response has been fully processed.
 ByteBuffer getBodyByteBuffer()
          Return a ByteBuffer that wraps the actual bytes read from the response's chunk.
 byte[] getBodyPartBytes()
          Return the response body's part bytes received.
 boolean isLast()
          Return true if this is the last part.
 int length()
 void markUnderlyingConnectionAsClosed()
          Close the underlying connection once the processing has completed.
 int writeTo(OutputStream outputStream)
          Write the available bytes to the OutputStream
Methods inherited from class com.ning.http.client.HttpContent
getUrl, provider
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ResponseBodyPart(URI uri,
                        byte[] chunk,
                        AsyncHttpProvider provider,
                        boolean last)
Method Detail


public byte[] getBodyPartBytes()
Return the response body's part bytes received.

Specified by:
getBodyPartBytes in class HttpResponseBodyPart
the response body's part bytes received.


public int writeTo(OutputStream outputStream)
            throws IOException
Description copied from class: HttpResponseBodyPart
Write the available bytes to the OutputStream

Specified by:
writeTo in class HttpResponseBodyPart
The number of bytes written


public ByteBuffer getBodyByteBuffer()
Description copied from class: HttpResponseBodyPart
Return a ByteBuffer that wraps the actual bytes read from the response's chunk. The ByteBuffer capacity is equal to the number of bytes available.

Specified by:
getBodyByteBuffer in class HttpResponseBodyPart


public boolean isLast()
Return true if this is the last part.

Specified by:
isLast in class HttpResponseBodyPart
true if this is the last part.


public void markUnderlyingConnectionAsClosed()
Close the underlying connection once the processing has completed. Invoking that method means the underlying TCP connection will be closed as soon as the processing of the response is completed. That means the underlying connection will never get pooled.

Specified by:
markUnderlyingConnectionAsClosed in class HttpResponseBodyPart


public boolean closeUnderlyingConnection()
Return true of the underlying connection will be closed once the response has been fully processed.

Specified by:
closeUnderlyingConnection in class HttpResponseBodyPart
true of the underlying connection will be closed once the response has been fully processed.


public int length()
Specified by:
length in class HttpResponseBodyPart

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