
sealed trait Value extends Any

Value represents the base sealed trait for all representable types in fabric.

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Value
  2. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract type Type

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def isEmpty: Boolean
  3. abstract def type: ValueType[Type]

    The type of value

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  4. final def apply(path: Path): Value

    Looks up a Value based on Path

    Looks up a Value based on Path

    Example: val v = someValue("first" \ "second" \ "third")

  5. final def apply(lookup: String): Value

    Looks up a Value by name in the children.

    Looks up a Value by name in the children.

    Throws an exception if invoked on anything except Obj

  6. def asArr: Arr

    Casts to Arr or throws an exception if not an Arr

  7. def asBigDecimal: BigDecimal

    Convenience method for asNum.value

  8. def asBool: Bool

    Casts to Bool or throws an exception if not a Bool

  9. def asBoolean: Boolean

    Convenience method for asBool.value

  10. def asByte: Byte
  11. def asDouble: Double
  12. def asFloat: Float
  13. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  14. def asInt: Int
  15. def asLong: Long
  16. def asMap: Map[String, Value]

    Convenience method for asObj.value

  17. def asNum: Num

    Casts to Num or throws an exception if not a Num

  18. def asNumDec: NumDec

    Casts to NumDec or throws an exception if not a NumDec

  19. def asNumInt: NumInt

    Casts to NumInt or throws an exception if not a NumInt

  20. def asObj: Obj

    Casts to Obj or throws an exception if not an Obj

  21. def asShort: Short
  22. def asStr: Str

    Casts to Str or throws an exception if not a Str

  23. def asString: String

    Convenience method for asStr.value

  24. def asValue[V <: Value](type: ValueType[V]): V

    Safely casts this Value as the specified ValueType.

    Safely casts this Value as the specified ValueType. Throws an exception if not a match.


    the return type

  25. def asVector: Vector[Value]

    Convenience method for asArr.value

  26. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  27. def filter(filter: ValueFilter): Option[Value]

    Applies the filter recursively to this value beginning on the leafs working backward up the tree back to the root.

    Applies the filter recursively to this value beginning on the leafs working backward up the tree back to the root.


    the filter to apply



  28. final def get(path: Path): Option[Value]

    Looks up a Value based on Path

    Looks up a Value based on Path

    Example: val o: Option[Value] = someValue("first" \ "second" \ "third")

  29. final def get(lookup: String): Option[Value]

    Looks up a Value by name in the children.

  30. def getArr: Option[Arr]

    Casts to Arr if it's of Arr type or returns None

  31. def getBigDecimal: Option[BigDecimal]

    Convenience method for

  32. def getBool: Option[Bool]

    Casts to Bool if it's of Bool type or returns None

  33. def getBoolean: Option[Boolean]

    Convenience method for

  34. def getByte: Option[Byte]
  35. def getDouble: Option[Double]
  36. def getFloat: Option[Float]
  37. def getInt: Option[Int]
  38. def getLong: Option[Long]
  39. def getMap: Option[Map[String, Value]]

    Convenience method for

  40. def getNum: Option[Num]

    Casts to Num if it's of Num type or returns None

  41. def getObj: Option[Obj]

    Casts to Obj if it's of Obj type or returns None

  42. final def getOrCreate(lookup: String): Value

    Looks up a Value by name in the children or creates a new Obj if it doesn't exist.

  43. def getShort: Option[Short]
  44. def getStr: Option[Str]

    Casts to Str if it's of Str type or returns None

  45. def getString: Option[String]

    Convenience method for

  46. final def getValue[V <: Value](type: ValueType[V]): Option[V]

    Safely casts this Value as the specified ValueType.

    Safely casts this Value as the specified ValueType. Returns None if it's a different type.


    the value type



  47. def getVector: Option[Vector[Value]]

    Convenience method for

  48. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
  49. def isArr: Boolean

    True if this is an Arr

  50. def isBool: Boolean

    True if this is a Bool

  51. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  52. def isNull: Boolean

    True if this is a Null

  53. def isNum: Boolean

    True if this is a Num

  54. def isNumDec: Boolean
  55. def isNumInt: Boolean
  56. def isObj: Boolean

    True if this is an Obj

  57. def isStr: Boolean

    True if this is a Str

  58. def merge(value: Value, path: Path = Path.empty, type: MergeType = MergeType.Overwrite): Value

    Merges a Value at the specified path

    Merges a Value at the specified path


    the value to merge


    the path (defaults to Path.empty)


    root Value after merge

  59. def modify(path: Path)(f: (Value) ⇒ Value): Value

    Modifies the value at the specified path and returns back a new root Value with the modified path.

    Modifies the value at the specified path and returns back a new root Value with the modified path.

    Note: We use the term "modify" here from an immutable standpoint. The original Value will not change.


    the path to modify


    the function that takes the current Value and returns the modified Value


    new root Value representing the changes

  60. def nonEmpty: Boolean
  61. def remove(path: Path): Value

    Convenience functionality for #modify to remove the value at a specific path.

    Convenience functionality for #modify to remove the value at a specific path.


    the path to remove


    new root Value representing the changes

  62. def set(path: Path, value: Value): Value

    Convenience functionality for #modify to set a specific value at a path.

    Convenience functionality for #modify to set a specific value at a path.


    the path to replace


    the new value to set


    new root Value representing the changes

  63. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes

Inherited from Any
