



package format

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. format
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AbbreviateBlock extends FormatBlock
  2. implicit class EnhancedColor extends AnyRef
  3. trait FormatBlock extends AnyRef
  4. class FormatBlocksFormatter extends Formatter
  5. trait Formatter extends AnyRef
  6. implicit final class FormatterInterpolator extends AnyVal
  7. class RightPaddingBlock extends FormatBlock

Value Members

  1. def bg(color: Color, block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  2. def bgBlack(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  3. def bgBlue(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  4. def bgBrightBlue(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  5. def bgBrightCyan(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  6. def bgBrightGreen(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  7. def bgBrightMagenta(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  8. def bgBrightRed(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  9. def bgBrightWhite(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  10. def bgBrightYellow(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  11. def bgCyan(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  12. def bgGray(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  13. def bgGreen(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  14. def bgMagenta(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  15. def bgRed(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  16. def bgWhite(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  17. def bgYellow(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  18. def black(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  19. def blue(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  20. def bold(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  21. def brightBlue(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  22. def brightCyan(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  23. def brightGreen(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  24. def brightMagenta(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  25. def brightRed(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  26. def brightWhite(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  27. def brightYellow(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  28. def className: FormatBlock
  29. def classNameAbbreviated: FormatBlock
  30. def classNameSimple: FormatBlock
  31. lazy val closeBracket: FormatBlock
  32. def color(color: Color, block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  33. def column: FormatBlock
  34. def cyan(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  35. def date: FormatBlock
  36. def dateCounter: FormatBlock
  37. def dateFull: FormatBlock
  38. def fg(color: Color, block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  39. def fileName: FormatBlock
  40. def gray(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  41. def green(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  42. def groupBySecond(blocks: FormatBlock*): FormatBlock
  43. def italic(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  44. def level: FormatBlock
  45. def levelColor(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  46. def levelColored: FormatBlock
  47. def levelColoredPaddedRight: FormatBlock
  48. def levelPaddedRight: FormatBlock
  49. def line: FormatBlock
  50. def magenta(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  51. def mdc: FormatBlock
  52. def mdc(key: String, default: ⇒ Any = "", prefix: FormatBlock = empty, postfix: FormatBlock = empty): FormatBlock
  53. def mdcMultiLine: FormatBlock
  54. def message: FormatBlock
  55. def methodName: FormatBlock
  56. def multiLine(blocks: FormatBlock*): FormatBlock
  57. def newLine: FormatBlock
  58. lazy val openBracket: FormatBlock
  59. def position: FormatBlock
  60. def positionAbbreviated: FormatBlock
  61. def positionSimple: FormatBlock
  62. def red(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  63. lazy val space: FormatBlock
  64. def strikethrough(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  65. def string(value: String): FormatBlock
  66. def threadName: FormatBlock
  67. def threadNameAbbreviated: FormatBlock
  68. def time: FormatBlock
  69. def timeStamp: FormatBlock
  70. def underline(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  71. def url(url: String, block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  72. def white(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  73. def yellow(block: FormatBlock): FormatBlock
  74. object FormatBlock
  75. object Formatter
  76. object empty extends FormatBlock with Product with Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
