

package scribe

Linear Supertypes
LoggerSupport, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. scribe
  2. LoggerSupport
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ANSI(ansi: String, type: String, default: String) extends Product with Serializable
  2. implicit class AnyLogging extends AnyRef
  3. trait JavaScriptConsole extends Object
    @JSType() @native()
  4. class Level extends Ordered[Double]
  5. trait LogRecord[M] extends AnyRef
  6. trait LogSupport[L <: LogSupport[L]] extends AnyRef
  7. trait Loggable[-T] extends AnyRef
  8. case class Logger(parentId: Option[Long] = Some(Logger.rootId), modifiers: List[LogModifier] = Nil, handlers: List[LogHandler] = Nil, overrideClassName: Option[String] = None, id: Long = Random.nextLong()) extends LogSupport[Logger] with LoggerSupport with Product with Serializable
  9. trait LoggerSupport extends AnyRef
  10. trait Logging extends AnyRef

    Logging is a mix-in to conveniently add logging support to any class or object.

  11. class LoggingExecutionContext extends ExecutionContext
  12. class MDC extends AnyRef
  13. trait PlatformImplementation extends AnyRef
  14. case class Position(className: String, methodName: Option[String], line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int], fileName: String) extends Product with Serializable
  15. final class Priority extends AnyVal with Ordered[Priority]

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def log[M](record: LogRecord[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. macro def async[Return](f: ⇒ Return): Return

    Updates Throwables fired within the supplied function to include positional information tying back up the asynchronous chain.

    Updates Throwables fired within the supplied function to include positional information tying back up the asynchronous chain. This should only be necessary if you have no control over the creation of Futures in your code. Ideally, just use scribe.future instead.

    Use this as a function wrapper to fix Throwable instances. This must be coupled with:

    import scribe.Execution.global

    Or there will be no stack to inject.


    the return type of the wrapped function


    the functional that may throw a Throwable

  2. macro def debug[M](message: ⇒ M, t: Throwable)(implicit arg0: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  3. macro def debug[M](message: ⇒ M)(implicit arg0: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  4. macro def debug(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  5. var disposables: Set[() ⇒ Unit]
  6. def dispose(): Unit
  7. macro def error[M](message: ⇒ M, t: Throwable)(implicit arg0: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  8. macro def error[M](message: ⇒ M)(implicit arg0: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  9. macro def error(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  10. macro def future[Return](f: ⇒ Return): Future[Return]

    Convenience method to create a Future with the Scribe ExecutionContext to properly track tracing up the chain for asynchronous operations.

    Convenience method to create a Future with the Scribe ExecutionContext to properly track tracing up the chain for asynchronous operations. When using this, no other operation should be necessary. However, if you map to other future operations that require an ExecutionContext, make sure to use import scribe.Execution.global instead of the default global ExecutionContext or the stack data will be lost.


    the return type for the code


    the function to run in a new Future

  11. macro def info[M](message: ⇒ M, t: Throwable)(implicit arg0: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  12. macro def info[M](message: ⇒ M)(implicit arg0: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  13. macro def info(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  14. implicit def level2Double(level: Level): Double
  15. lazy val lineSeparator: String
  16. macro def log[M](level: Level, message: ⇒ M, throwable: Option[Throwable])(implicit loggable: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  17. macro def trace[M](message: ⇒ M, t: Throwable)(implicit arg0: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  18. macro def trace[M](message: ⇒ M)(implicit arg0: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. macro def trace(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  20. macro def warn[M](message: ⇒ M, t: Throwable)(implicit arg0: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  21. macro def warn[M](message: ⇒ M)(implicit arg0: Loggable[M]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  22. macro def warn(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  23. object ANSI extends Serializable
  24. object Execution
  25. object Level
  26. object LogRecord
  27. object Loggable
  28. object Logger extends Serializable
  29. object MDC
  30. object Macros
    @compileTimeOnly( "Enable macros to expand" )
  31. object Platform extends PlatformImplementation
  32. object Position extends Serializable
  33. object Priority

Inherited from LoggerSupport

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
