


sealed abstract class KafkaConsumer[F[_], K, V] extends AnyRef

KafkaConsumer represents a consumer of Kafka records, with the ability to subscribe to topics, start a single top-level stream, and optionally control it via the provided fiber instance.

The following top-level streams are provided.

- stream provides a single stream of records, where the order of records is guaranteed per topic-partition.
- partitionedStream provides a stream with elements as streams that continually request records for a single partition. Order is guaranteed per topic-partition, but all assigned partitions will have to be processed in parallel.

For the streams, records are wrapped in CommittableConsumerRecords which provide CommittableOffsets with the ability to commit record offsets to Kafka. For performance reasons, offsets are usually committed in batches using CommittableOffsetBatch. Provided Pipes, like commitBatchWithin are available for batch committing offsets. If you are not committing offsets to Kafka, you can simply discard the CommittableOffset, and only make use of the record.

While it's technically possible to start more than one stream from a single KafkaConsumer, it is generally not recommended as there is no guarantee which stream will receive which records, and there might be an overlap, in terms of duplicate records, between the two streams. If a first stream completes, possibly with error, there's no guarantee the stream has processed all of the records it received, and a second stream from the same KafkaConsumer might not be able to pick up where the first one left off. Therefore, only create a single top-level stream per KafkaConsumer, and if you want to start a new stream if the first one finishes, let the KafkaConsumer shutdown and create a new one.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. KafkaConsumer
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
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Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def assignment: F[SortedSet[TopicPartition]]

    Returns the set of partitions currently assigned to this consumer.

  2. abstract def beginningOffsets(partitions: Set[TopicPartition], timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]]

    Returns the first offset for the specified partitions.

  3. abstract def beginningOffsets(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]]

    Returns the first offset for the specified partitions.

    Timeout is determined by default.api.timeout.ms, which is set using ConsumerSettings#withDefaultApiTimeout.

  4. abstract def endOffsets(partitions: Set[TopicPartition], timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]]

    Returns the last offset for the specified partitions.

  5. abstract def endOffsets(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]]

    Returns the last offset for the specified partitions.

    Timeout is determined by request.timeout.ms, which is set using ConsumerSettings#withRequestTimeout.

  6. abstract def fiber: Fiber[F, Unit]

    A Fiber that can be used to cancel the underlying consumer, or wait for it to complete.

    A Fiber that can be used to cancel the underlying consumer, or wait for it to complete. If you're using stream, or any other provided stream in KafkaConsumer, these will be automatically interrupted when the underlying consumer has been cancelled or when it finishes with an exception.

    Whenever cancel is invoked, an attempt will be made to stop the underlying consumer. The cancel operation will not wait for the consumer to shutdown. If you also want to wait for the shutdown to complete, you can use join. Note that join is guaranteed to complete after consumer shutdown, even when the consumer is cancelled with cancel.

    This Fiber instance is usually only required if the consumer needs to be cancelled due to some external condition, or when an external process needs to be cancelled whenever the consumer has shut down. Most of the time, when you're only using the streams provided by KafkaConsumer, there is no need to use this.

  7. abstract def partitionedStream: Stream[F, Stream[F, CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V]]]

    Stream where the elements themselves are Streams which continually request records for a single partition.

    Stream where the elements themselves are Streams which continually request records for a single partition. These Streams will have to be processed in parallel, using parJoin or parJoinUnbounded. Note that when using parJoin(n) and n is smaller than the number of currently assigned partitions, then there will be assigned partitions which won't be processed. For that reason, prefer parJoinUnbounded and the actual limit will be the number of assigned partitions.

    If you do not want to process all partitions in parallel, then you can use stream instead, where records for all partitions are in a single Stream.


    you have to first use subscribe to subscribe the consumer before using this Stream. If you forgot to subscribe, there will be a NotSubscribedException raised in the Stream.

  8. abstract def position(partition: TopicPartition, timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Long]

    Returns the offset of the next record that will be fetched.

  9. abstract def position(partition: TopicPartition): F[Long]

    Returns the offset of the next record that will be fetched.

    Timeout is determined by default.api.timeout.ms, which is set using ConsumerSettings#withDefaultApiTimeout.

  10. abstract def seek(partition: TopicPartition, offset: Long): F[Unit]

    Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use when reading the next record.

    Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use when reading the next record. If this API is invoked for the same partition more than once, the latest offset will be used. Note that you may lose data if this API is arbitrarily used in the middle of consumption to reset the fetch offsets.

  11. abstract def seekToBeginning[G[_]](partitions: G[TopicPartition])(implicit G: Foldable[G]): F[Unit]

    Seeks to the first offset for each of the specified partitions.

    Seeks to the first offset for each of the specified partitions. If no partitions are provided, seeks to the first offset for all currently assigned partitions.

    Note that this seek evaluates lazily, and only on the next call to poll or position.

  12. abstract def seekToBeginning: F[Unit]

    Seeks to the first offset for each currently assigned partition.

    Seeks to the first offset for each currently assigned partition. This is equivalent to using seekToBeginning with an empty set of partitions.

    Note that this seek evaluates lazily, and only on the next call to poll or position.

  13. abstract def seekToEnd[G[_]](partitions: G[TopicPartition])(implicit G: Foldable[G]): F[Unit]

    Seeks to the last offset for each of the specified partitions.

    Seeks to the last offset for each of the specified partitions. If no partitions are provided, seeks to the last offset for all currently assigned partitions.

    Note that this seek evaluates lazily, and only on the next call to poll or position.

  14. abstract def seekToEnd: F[Unit]

    Seeks to the last offset for each currently assigned partition.

    Seeks to the last offset for each currently assigned partition. This is equivalent to using seekToEnd with an empty set of partitions.

    Note that this seek evaluates lazily, and only on the next call to poll or position.

  15. abstract def stream: Stream[F, CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V]]

    Alias for partitionedStream.parJoinUnbounded.

    Alias for partitionedStream.parJoinUnbounded. See partitionedStream for more information.


    you have to first use subscribe to subscribe the consumer before using this Stream. If you forgot to subscribe, there will be a NotSubscribedException raised in the Stream.

  16. abstract def subscribe(regex: Regex): F[Unit]

    Subscribes the consumer to the topics matching the specified Regex.

    Subscribes the consumer to the topics matching the specified Regex. Note that you have to use one of the subscribe functions before you can use any of the provided Streams, or a NotSubscribedException will be raised in the Streams.


    the regex to which matching topics should be subscribed

  17. abstract def subscribe[G[_]](topics: G[String])(implicit G: Reducible[G]): F[Unit]

    Subscribes the consumer to the specified topics.

    Subscribes the consumer to the specified topics. Note that you have to use one of the subscribe functions to subscribe to one or more topics before using any of the provided Streams, or a NotSubscribedException will be raised in the Streams.


    the topics to which the consumer should subscribe

  18. abstract def subscribeTo(firstTopic: String, remainingTopics: String*): F[Unit]

    Subscribes the consumer to the specified topics.

    Subscribes the consumer to the specified topics. Note that you have to use one of the subscribe functions to subscribe to one or more topics before using any of the provided Streams, or a NotSubscribedException will be raised in the Streams.

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  6. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  7. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  9. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  10. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  11. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  12. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  13. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  14. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  15. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  16. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  17. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  18. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  19. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
