Interface Cleaner

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable

    public interface Cleaner
    extends Closeable
    A Cleaner is good for two things: it scrubs and it punches. Scrubbing is an on-demand operation, deleting things you particularly badly want gone, and it lets you configure just how badly you want them gone. Punching is associating atlasdb timestamps with wallclock time.
    • Method Detail

      • isInitialized

        default boolean isInitialized()
        Used for Cleaners that can be initialized asynchronously (i.e. those extending AsyncInitializer; other Cleaners can keep the default implementation, and return true (they're trivially fully initialized).
        true if and only if the Cleaner has been fully initialized
      • queueCellsForScrubbing

        void queueCellsForScrubbing​(<Cell,​TableReference> cellToTableRefs,
                                    long scrubTimestamp)
        Queues cells to be scrubbed.
        cellToTableRefs - Cells that were touched as part of the hard delete transaction
        scrubTimestamp - The start timestamp of the hard delete transaction whose cells need to be scrubbed; at the time queueCellsForScrubbing is called, the hard delete transaction will be in the process of committing @throws exceptions are simply propagated up if something goes wrong.
      • scrubImmediately

        void scrubImmediately​(TransactionManager txManager,
                    <TableReference,​Cell> tableRefToCell,
                              long scrubTimestamp,
                              long commitTimestamp)
        Scrubs cells immediately.
        tableRefToCell - Cells to be scrubbed immediately
        scrubTimestamp - The start timestamp of the hard delete transaction whose cells need to be scrubbed; at the time scrubImmediately is called, the hard delete transaction will have just committed
        RuntimeException - are simply propagated up if something goes wrong.
      • punch

        void punch​(long timestamp)
        Indicate that the given timestamp has just been created. This must be called frequently (preferably on each transaction commit) so that the Cleaner can keep track of the wall-clock/timestamp mapping. If it is never called, semantically nothing goes wrong, but the sweeper won't sweep, since it cannot know what things are old enough to be swept.
        timestamp - Timestamp that has just been committed.
      • getTransactionReadTimeoutMillis

        long getTransactionReadTimeoutMillis()
        Returns the timeout for transactions reads in milliseconds. SnapshotTransaction enforces that transactions that have been open for longer than this timeout can no longer perform reads; waiting for the timeout to elapse after cleaning allows us to avoid causing currently open read transactions to abort.
      • getUnreadableTimestamp

        long getUnreadableTimestamp()
        Returns the timestamp that is before any open start timestamps. This is different from the immutable timestamp, because it takes into account open read-only transactions. There is likely to be NO running transactions open at a timestamp before the unreadable timestamp, however this cannot be guaranteed.

        When using the unreadable timestamp for cleanup it is important to leave a sentinel value behind at a negative timestamp so any transaction that is open will fail out if reading a value that is cleaned up instead of just getting back no data. This is needed to ensure that all transactions either produce correct values or fail. It is not an option to return incorrect data.