Class TableReference

    • Method Detail

      • createFromFullyQualifiedName

        public static TableReference createFromFullyQualifiedName​(String fullTableName)
        Creates a table reference based on fullTableName. fullTableName is assumed to be of the format namespace.tableName, and must contain a dot.
      • createWithEmptyNamespace

        public static TableReference createWithEmptyNamespace​(String tableName)
        Creates a table reference with an empty namespace, based on tablename. This should only be used when creating a TableReference for a system table.
      • createUnsafe

        public static TableReference createUnsafe​(String fullTableName)
        please use createFromFullyQualifiedName, if fullTableName includes the namespace, or createWithEmptyNamespace, if you're passing in a system table name.
      • getNamespace

        public Namespace getNamespace()
      • getTablename

        public String getTablename()
        Please use getTableName(), which is consistent with broader AtlasDB naming conventions.
      • getTableName

        public String getTableName()
      • getQualifiedName

        public String getQualifiedName()
      • isFullyQualifiedName

        public static boolean isFullyQualifiedName​(String tableName)
      • isFullyQualifiedName

        public boolean isFullyQualifiedName()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object