


package refuel

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AkkaHttpSecurity extends AnyRef
  2. case class AkkaHttpWebContext(request: HttpRequest, formFields: Map[String, String], sessionStorage: SessionStorage)(implicit conf: SAMLAuthConfig, gen: SessionIDGenerator) extends WebContext with Product with Serializable

    The AkkaHttpWebContext is responsible for wrapping an HTTP request and stores changes that are produced by pac4j and need to be applied to an HTTP response.

  3. class AuthenticatedRequest extends AnyRef

    Class which serves as a witness when authentication was successful.

    Class which serves as a witness when authentication was successful. This class is private such that the user of this library cannot mess with it.

Value Members

  1. object AkkaHttpSecurity extends EncodedJsonTransform with CodecDef with Directives
  2. object AkkaHttpWebContext extends Serializable
