Interface FileExtension<T extends File>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FileExtension<T extends File>
    Interface to add a new type of file to the application file system.

    In order to add a new type of file to your AppData instance, you need to implement that interface and declare it to the runtime using the AutoService annotation.

    The instance needs to define the new class, a name identifying that class ("pseudo class"), and to provide a creation method for those new file objects. For instance:

     public class MyFileExtension implements FileExtension<MyFile> {
        public Class getFileClass() { return MyFile.class; }
        public String getFilePseudoClass() { return "myFile"; }
        public T createFile(FileCreationContext context) { return new MyFileExtension(context); }
    Geoffroy Jamgotchian
    • Method Detail

      • getFileClass

        Class<T> getFileClass()
        The new type of object you want to add to your application file system.
      • getFilePseudoClass

        String getFilePseudoClass()
        A "pseudo class" name for the new type.
      • createFile

        T createFile​(FileCreationContext context)
        Creates an actual instance of the new type of file.