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Package com.powsybl.afs

AFS stands for Application FileSystem.

See: Description

Package com.powsybl.afs Description

AFS stands for Application FileSystem.

This package contains bases classes which define the concept of AFS. An AFS is meant to be used to organize your business data and store them, like a file system does for file.

The way data is actually stored is implementation-dependent, and is defined through the implementation of the AppStorage interface.

The entry point of AFS is the AppData object. It contains a list of AppFileSystems.

The structure of an AFS looks like:

          +-- FileSystem1
          |   +-- File1
          |   +-- File2
          |   +-- Project1
          |   |   +-- RootFolder
          |   |       +-- ProjectFile1
          |   |       +-- ProjectFolder1
          |   |       |   +-- ProjectFile2
          |   |       +-- ProjectFolder2
          |   |           +-- ProjectFile3
          |   +-- Project2
          |      ...
          +-- FileSystem2


You may add your own types of files and project files through and extension mechanism, see FileExtension and ProjectFileExtension.

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