public interface TwoWindingsTransformer extends Branch<TwoWindingsTransformer>, RatioTapChangerHolder, PhaseTapChangerHolder
The equivalent π model used is:
b, g, r, x shall be specified at the side 2 voltage.
b and g unit is siemens, r and x unit is ohm.
Attribute | Type | Unit | Required | Defaut value | Description |
Id | String | - | yes | - | Unique identifier of the transformer |
Name | String | - | yes | - | Human-readable name of the transformer |
Rnom | double | Ω | yes | - | The nominal series resistance at the side 2 of the transformer |
Xnom | double | Ω | yes | - | The nominal series reactance at the side 2 of the transformer |
Gnom | double | S | yes | - | The nominal magnetizing conductance at the side 2 of the transformer |
Bnom | double | S | yes | - | The nominal magnetizing susceptance at the side 2 of the transformer |
V1nom | double | kV | yes | - | The rated voltage at side 1 |
V2nom | double | kV | yes | - | The rated voltage at side 2 |
RatedS | double | MVA | no | - | The normal apparent power |
b, g, r, x, ρ and α variables in the model can be computed with
the following Java code supposing transfo
is an instance of
r = transfo.getR() * (1 + (transfo.getRatioTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getRatioTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getR() / 100 : 0) + (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getR() / 100 : 0)); x = transfo.getX() * (1 + (transfo.getRatioTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getRatioTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getX() / 100 : 0) + (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getX() / 100 : 0)); g = transfo.getG() * (1 + (transfo.getRatioTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getRatioTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getG() / 100 : 0) + (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getG() / 100 : 0)); b = transfo.getB() * (1 + (transfo.getRatioTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getRatioTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getB() / 100 : 0) + (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getB() / 100 : 0)); rho = transfo.getRatedU2() / transfo.getRatedU1() * (transfo.getRatioTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getRatioTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getRho() : 1); * (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getRho() : 1); alpha = (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getAlpha() : 0);A 2 windings transformer is connected to 2 voltage levels (side 1 and side 2) that belong to the same substation.
To create a 2 windings transformer, see TwoWindingsTransformerAdder
Branch.Overload, Branch.Side
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
Get the nominal magnetizing susceptance specified in S at the secondary
voltage side.
double |
Get the nominal magnetizing conductance specified in S at the secondary
voltage side.
double |
Get the nominal series resistance specified in Ω at the secondary
voltage side.
default double |
Get the normal apparent power rating in MVA (optional).
double |
Get the primary winding rated voltage in kV.
double |
Get the secondary winding rated voltage in kV.
Substation |
Get the substation to which the transformer belongs.
double |
Get the nominal series reactance specified in Ω at the secondary
voltage side.
TwoWindingsTransformer |
setB(double b)
Set the nominal magnetizing susceptance specified in S at the secondary
voltage side.
TwoWindingsTransformer |
setG(double g)
Set the nominal magnetizing conductance specified in S at the secondary
voltage side.
TwoWindingsTransformer |
setR(double r)
Set the nominal series resistance specified in Ω at the secondary
voltage side.
default TwoWindingsTransformer |
setRatedS(double ratedS)
Set the normal apparent power rating in MVA (optional).
TwoWindingsTransformer |
setRatedU1(double ratedU1)
Set the secondary winding rated voltage in kV.
TwoWindingsTransformer |
setRatedU2(double ratedU2)
Set the secondary winding rated voltage in kV.
TwoWindingsTransformer |
setX(double x)
Set the nominal series reactance specified in Ω at the secondary
voltage side.
checkPermanentLimit, checkPermanentLimit, checkPermanentLimit1, checkPermanentLimit1, checkPermanentLimit2, checkPermanentLimit2, checkTemporaryLimits, checkTemporaryLimits, checkTemporaryLimits1, checkTemporaryLimits1, checkTemporaryLimits2, checkTemporaryLimits2, getCurrentLimits, getCurrentLimits1, getCurrentLimits2, getOverloadDuration, getSide, getTerminal, getTerminal, getTerminal1, getTerminal2, isOverloaded, isOverloaded, newCurrentLimits1, newCurrentLimits2
getTerminals, getType, remove
addAlias, getAliases, getId, getName, getNameOrId, getNetwork, getOptionalName, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyNames, hasAliases, hasProperty, hasProperty, isFictitious, removeAlias, setFictitious, setProperty
addExtension, getExtension, getExtensionByName, getExtensions, getImplementationName, newExtension, removeExtension
getOptionalRatioTapChanger, getRatioTapChanger, hasRatioTapChanger, newRatioTapChanger
getOptionalPhaseTapChanger, getPhaseTapChanger, hasPhaseTapChanger, newPhaseTapChanger
Substation getSubstation()
double getR()
TwoWindingsTransformer setR(double r)
double getX()
TwoWindingsTransformer setX(double x)
double getG()
TwoWindingsTransformer setG(double g)
double getB()
TwoWindingsTransformer setB(double b)
double getRatedU1()
TwoWindingsTransformer setRatedU1(double ratedU1)
double getRatedU2()
TwoWindingsTransformer setRatedU2(double ratedU2)
default double getRatedS()
default TwoWindingsTransformer setRatedS(double ratedS)
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