Interface ComputationManager

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    LazyCreatedComputationManager, LocalComputationManager

    public interface ComputationManager
    extends AutoCloseable
    Computation managers have the ability to execute commands provided through an ExecutionHandler.

    Typically, they are used to execute expensive computations through external processes. According to the computation manager implementation, those processes may then be executed on the local host or on a dedicated computation infrastructure which may have better performance or scaling capabilities. Commands will be executed asynchronously and results accessible through the CompletableFuture returned by one of the execute(com.powsybl.computation.ExecutionEnvironment, com.powsybl.computation.ExecutionHandler<R>) method variants. If CompletableFuture.cancel(boolean) is called, the computation manager should try as much as possible to free computation resources used for the underlying commands execution.

    The computation manager must provide a temporary working directory for each submitted execution, where data may be written to (in particular before the execution) and read from (in particular after the execution). A prefix for this directory may be provided through the ExecutionEnvironment. Typically, the prefix will be appended with a UUID to ensure working directory uniqueness. If ExecutionEnvironment.isDebug() is true, that working directory will not be discarded, otherwise it may be discarded to ensure a sustainable use of the execution environment.

    Execution handlers define a list of CommandExecutions to be executed. Those command executions must be executed sequentially. However, when a command execution has an execution number greater than one, the corresponding executions may be executed in parallel.

    The interface extends AutoCloseable, since it may require some resource cleanup on closing, for instance deleting working directories or closing connections to remote infrastructure.

    Geoffroy Jamgotchian
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        String getVersion()
      • execute

        <R> CompletableFuture<R> execute​(ExecutionEnvironment environment,
                                         ExecutionHandler<R> handler)
        Submits for execution commands defined by the specified ExecutionHandler, using the specified ExecutionEnvironment.

        The result of type ComputationManager will be provided asynchronously through the returned CompletableFuture.

        Type Parameters:
        R - the type of the result expected from the commands execution.
        environment - specifies environment details such as the working directory prefix and environment variables.
        handler - defines the commands to be executed together with preprocessing and postprocessing.
        the result of the commands execution, as provided by the execution handler.
      • execute

        default <R> CompletableFuture<R> execute​(ExecutionEnvironment environment,
                                                 ExecutionHandler<R> handler,
                                                 ComputationParameters parameters)
        Submits for execution commands defined by the specified ExecutionHandler, using the specified ExecutionEnvironment.

        The result of type ComputationManager will be provided asynchronously through the returned CompletableFuture.

        Additional technical parameters may be provided through the ComputationParameters.

        Type Parameters:
        R - the type of the result expected from the commands execution.
        environment - specifies environment details such as the working directory prefix and environment variables.
        handler - defines the commands to be executed together with preprocessing and postprocessing.
        parameters - defines additional technical parameters
        the result of the commands execution, as provided by the execution handler.
      • getExecutor

        Executor getExecutor()
        An executor which may be used to perform expensive processing inside this JVM.
        an executor which may be used to perform expensive processing inside this JVM.
      • getLocalDir

        Path getLocalDir()