Class SecurityAnalysisConfig

    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityAnalysisConfig

        public SecurityAnalysisConfig()
      • SecurityAnalysisConfig

        public SecurityAnalysisConfig​(String preprocessorName)
    • Method Detail

      • getPreprocessorName

        public Optional<String> getPreprocessorName()
        The name of the security analysis input preprocessor to be run before the actual computation. If empty, default behaviour will be used.
      • load

        public static SecurityAnalysisConfig load()
        Loads the security analysis configuration defined in the default PlatformConfig.
        the security analysis config loaded from the default platform config.
      • load

        public static SecurityAnalysisConfig load​(PlatformConfig platformConfig)
        Loads the security analysis configuration defined in the specified PlatformConfig.
        platformConfig - the platform configuration from which the security analysis config should be loaded.
        the security analysis config loaded from the specified platform config.