Class CreateLineOnLine

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CreateLineOnLine
    extends AbstractNetworkModification
    Connect an existing voltage level (in practice a voltage level where we have some loads or generations) to an existing line through a tee point. This method cuts an existing line in two, creating a fictitious voltage level between them (the tee point). Then it links an existing voltage level to this fictitious voltage level in creating a new line from a given line adder.
    Miora Vedelago
    • Constructor Detail

      • CreateLineOnLine

        public CreateLineOnLine​(String voltageLevelId,
                                String bbsOrBusId,
                                Line line,
                                LineAdder lineAdder)

        percent is 50.
        fictitiousVlId is line.getId() + "_VL".
        line1Id is line.getId() + "_1"
        line2Id is line.getId() + "_2".

      • CreateLineOnLine

        public CreateLineOnLine​(double percent,
                                String voltageLevelId,
                                String bbsOrBusId,
                                String fictitiousVlId,
                                String line1Id,
                                String line2Id,
                                Line line,
                                LineAdder lineAdder)

        fictitiousVlName is null
        createFictitiousSubstation is false.
        fictitiousSubstationId is line.getId() + "_S"
        fictitiousSubstationName is null.
        line1Name is null.
        line2Name is null.

      • CreateLineOnLine

        public CreateLineOnLine​(double percent,
                                String voltageLevelId,
                                String bbsOrBusId,
                                String fictitiousVlId,
                                String fictitiousVlName,
                                boolean createFictSubstation,
                                String fictitiousSubstationId,
                                String fictitiousSubstationName,
                                String line1Id,
                                String line1Name,
                                String line2Id,
                                String line2Name,
                                Line line,
                                LineAdder lineAdder)
        percent - When the existing line is cut, percent is equal to the ratio between the parameters of the first line and the parameters of the line that is cut multiplied by 100. 100 minus percent is equal to the ratio between the parameters of the second line and the parameters of the line that is cut multiplied by 100.
        voltageLevelId - The voltage level with the given ID that we want to connect to the initial line.
        bbsOrBusId - The ID of the existing bus or bus bar section of the voltage level voltageLevelId where we want to connect the line that will be between this voltage level and the fictitious voltage level. Please note that there will be switches between this bus or bus bar section and the connection point of the line.
        fictitiousVlId - ID of the created voltage level at the attachment point of the initial line. Please note that this voltage level is fictitious.
        fictitiousVlName - Name of the created voltage level at the attachment point of the initial line. Please note that this voltage level is fictitious.
        createFictSubstation - If true, a fictitious substation at the attachment point will be created. Else, the created voltage level will be contained directly in the network.
        fictitiousSubstationId - If createFictSubstation is true, the fictitious substation is given a non-null given ID.
        fictitiousSubstationName - If createdFictSubstation is true, the fictitious substation is given a given name.
        line1Id - When the initial line is cut, the line segment at side 1 has a non-null given ID.
        line1Name - When the initial line is cut, the line segment at side 1 has a given name.
        line2Id - When the initial line is cut, the line segment at side 2 has a non-null given ID.
        line2Name - When the initial line is cut, the line segment at side 2 has a given name.
        line - The initial line to be cut.
        lineAdder - The line adder from which the line between the fictitious voltage level and the voltage level voltageLevelId is created. NB: This constructor will eventually be package-private, please use CreateLineOnLineBuilder instead.
    • Method Detail

      • setCreateFictSubstation

        public CreateLineOnLine setCreateFictSubstation​(boolean createFictSubstation)
      • setFictitiousSubstationId

        public CreateLineOnLine setFictitiousSubstationId​(String fictitiousSubstationId)
      • setFictitiousSubstationName

        public CreateLineOnLine setFictitiousSubstationName​(String fictitiousSubstationName)
      • apply

        public void apply​(Network network,
                          boolean throwException,
                          ComputationManager computationManager,
                          Reporter reporter)
        Description copied from interface: NetworkModification
        Applies the modification to the given network. If throwException is set to true, then in case of error, an exception will be thrown. Otherwise, computation will continue but the injection will not be added to the network in case of error.
      • getVoltageLevelId

        public String getVoltageLevelId()
      • getBbsOrBusId

        public String getBbsOrBusId()
      • getLine

        public Line getLine()
      • getLineAdder

        public LineAdder getLineAdder()
      • getPercent

        public double getPercent()
      • getFictitiousVlId

        public String getFictitiousVlId()
      • getFictitiousVlName

        public String getFictitiousVlName()
      • isCreateFictSubstation

        public boolean isCreateFictSubstation()
      • getFictitiousSubstationId

        public String getFictitiousSubstationId()
      • getFictitiousSubstationName

        public String getFictitiousSubstationName()
      • getLine1Id

        public String getLine1Id()
      • getLine1Name

        public String getLine1Name()
      • getLine2Id

        public String getLine2Id()
      • getLine2Name

        public String getLine2Name()