Interface TieLine.HalfLine

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface TieLine.HalfLine
    extends LineCharacteristics<TieLine.HalfLine>
    Half line


    Attribute Type Unit Required Defaut value Description
    Id String - yes - Unique identifier of the half line
    Name String - yes - Human-readable name of the half line
    R double Ω yes - The series resistance
    X double Ω yes - The series reactance
    G1 double S yes - The first side shunt conductance
    B1 double S yes - The first side shunt susceptance
    G2 double S yes - The second side shunt conductance
    B2 double S yes - The second side shunt susceptance
    XNodeP double MW yes - The active power consumption
    XNodeQ double MVar yes - The reactive power consumption