Interface TwoWindingsTransformer

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Branch<TwoWindingsTransformer>, Connectable<TwoWindingsTransformer>, Extendable<TwoWindingsTransformer>, Identifiable<TwoWindingsTransformer>, PhaseTapChangerHolder, RatioTapChangerHolder
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TwoWindingsTransformer
    extends Branch<TwoWindingsTransformer>, RatioTapChangerHolder, PhaseTapChangerHolder
    A two windings power transformer.

    The equivalent π model used is:

    b, g, r, x shall be specified at the side 2 voltage.

    b and g unit is siemens, r and x unit is ohm.


    Attribute Type Unit Required Defaut value Description
    Id String - yes - Unique identifier of the transformer
    Name String - yes - Human-readable name of the transformer
    Rnom double Ω yes - The nominal series resistance at the side 2 of the transformer
    Xnom double Ω yes - The nominal series reactance at the side 2 of the transformer
    Gnom double S yes - The nominal magnetizing conductance at the side 2 of the transformer
    Bnom double S yes - The nominal magnetizing susceptance at the side 2 of the transformer
    V1nom double kV yes - The rated voltage at side 1
    V2nom double kV yes - The rated voltage at side 2
    RatedS double MVA no - The normal apparent power

    b, g, r, x, ρ and α variables in the model can be computed with the following Java code supposing transfo is an instance of TwoWindingsTransformer.

     r = transfo.getR()
        * (1 + (transfo.getRatioTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getRatioTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getR() / 100 : 0)
           + (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getR() / 100 : 0));
     x = transfo.getX()
        * (1 + (transfo.getRatioTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getRatioTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getX() / 100 : 0)
           + (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getX() / 100 : 0));
     g = transfo.getG()
        * (1 + (transfo.getRatioTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getRatioTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getG() / 100 : 0)
           + (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getG() / 100 : 0));
     b = transfo.getB()
        * (1 + (transfo.getRatioTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getRatioTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getB() / 100 : 0)
           + (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getB() / 100 : 0));
     rho = transfo.getRatedU2() / transfo.getRatedU1()
        * (transfo.getRatioTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getRatioTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getRho() : 1);
        * (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getRho() : 1);
     alpha = (transfo.getPhaseTapChanger() != null ? transfo.getPhaseTapChanger().getCurrentStep().getAlpha() : 0);
    A 2 windings transformer is connected to 2 voltage levels (side 1 and side 2) that belong to the same substation.

    To create a 2 windings transformer, see TwoWindingsTransformerAdder

    Geoffroy Jamgotchian
    See Also:
    RatioTapChanger, PhaseTapChanger, TwoWindingsTransformerAdder
    • Method Detail

      • getNullableSubstation

        default Substation getNullableSubstation()
      • getR

        double getR()
        Get the nominal series resistance specified in Ω at the secondary voltage side.
      • setR

        TwoWindingsTransformer setR​(double r)
        Set the nominal series resistance specified in Ω at the secondary voltage side.
      • getX

        double getX()
        Get the nominal series reactance specified in Ω at the secondary voltage side.
      • setX

        TwoWindingsTransformer setX​(double x)
        Set the nominal series reactance specified in Ω at the secondary voltage side.
      • getG

        double getG()
        Get the nominal magnetizing conductance specified in S at the secondary voltage side.
      • setG

        TwoWindingsTransformer setG​(double g)
        Set the nominal magnetizing conductance specified in S at the secondary voltage side.
      • getB

        double getB()
        Get the nominal magnetizing susceptance specified in S at the secondary voltage side.
      • setB

        TwoWindingsTransformer setB​(double b)
        Set the nominal magnetizing susceptance specified in S at the secondary voltage side.
      • getRatedU1

        double getRatedU1()
        Get the primary winding rated voltage in kV.
      • setRatedU1

        TwoWindingsTransformer setRatedU1​(double ratedU1)
        Set the secondary winding rated voltage in kV.
      • getRatedU2

        double getRatedU2()
        Get the secondary winding rated voltage in kV.
      • setRatedU2

        TwoWindingsTransformer setRatedU2​(double ratedU2)
        Set the secondary winding rated voltage in kV.
      • getRatedS

        default double getRatedS()
        Get the normal apparent power rating in MVA (optional).
      • setRatedS

        default TwoWindingsTransformer setRatedS​(double ratedS)
        Set the normal apparent power rating in MVA (optional).