Class SecurityAnalysisParameters.IncreasedViolationsParameters

    • Constructor Detail

      • IncreasedViolationsParameters

        public IncreasedViolationsParameters​(double lowVoltageAbsoluteThreshold,
                                             double lowVoltageProportionalThreshold,
                                             double highVoltageAbsoluteThreshold,
                                             double highVoltageProportionalThreshold,
                                             double flowProportionalThreshold)
      • IncreasedViolationsParameters

        public IncreasedViolationsParameters()
    • Method Detail

      • getLowVoltageAbsoluteThreshold

        public double getLowVoltageAbsoluteThreshold()
        After a contingency, only low voltage violations that are increased of more than the absolute threshold (in kV) compared to the pre-contingency state, are listed in the limit violations, the other ones are filtered. This method gets the low voltage violations absolute threshold (in kV, should be positive). The default value is 0.0, meaning that only violations that increase of more than 0.0 kV are listed in the limit violations (note that for low voltage violation, it means that the voltage in post-contingency state is lower than the voltage in pre-contingency state).
      • getLowVoltageProportionalThreshold

        public double getLowVoltageProportionalThreshold()
        After a contingency, only low voltage violations that are increased of more than the proportional threshold (without unit) compared to the pre-contingency state, are listed in the limit violations, the other ones are filtered. This method gets the low voltage violations proportional threshold (without unit, should be positive). The default value is 0.0, meaning that only violations that increase of more than 0.0 % are listed in the limit violations (note that for low voltage violation, it means that the voltage in post-contingency state is lower than the voltage in pre-contingency state).
      • getHighVoltageAbsoluteThreshold

        public double getHighVoltageAbsoluteThreshold()
        After a contingency, only high voltage violations that are increased of more than the absolute threshold (in kV) compared to the pre-contingency state, are listed in the limit violations, the other ones are filtered. This method gets the high voltage violations absolute threshold (in kV, should be positive). The default value is 0.0, meaning that only violations that increase of more than 0.0 kV are listed in the limit violations.
      • getHighVoltageProportionalThreshold

        public double getHighVoltageProportionalThreshold()
        After a contingency, only high voltage violations that are increased of more than the proportional threshold (without unit) compared to the pre-contingency state, are listed in the limit violations, the other ones are filtered. This method gets the high voltage violations proportional threshold (without unit, should be positive). The default value is 0.0, meaning that only violations that increase of more than 0.0 % are listed in the limit violations.
      • getFlowProportionalThreshold

        public double getFlowProportionalThreshold()
        After a contingency, only flow violations (either current, active power or apparent power violations) that are increased in proportion, compared to the pre-contingency state, than the threshold value (without unit, should be positive) are listed in the limit violations, the other ones are filtered. This method gets the flow violations proportional threshold. The default value is 0.1, meaning that only violations that increase of more than 10% are listed in the limit violations.