Class ScalingParameters

  • public class ScalingParameters
    extends Object
    Coline Piloquet
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScalingParameters

        public ScalingParameters()
      • ScalingParameters

        public ScalingParameters​(Scalable.ScalingConvention scalingConvention,
                                 boolean reconnect,
                                 boolean constantPowerFactor,
                                 boolean iterative)
    • Method Detail

      • isReconnect

        public boolean isReconnect()
        a boolean indicating if the terminal of the scalable should be reconnected if it is disconnected.
      • isConstantPowerFactor

        public boolean isConstantPowerFactor()
        a boolean indicating if the scaling should be done with a constant power factor.
      • setConstantPowerFactor

        public ScalingParameters setConstantPowerFactor​(boolean constantPowerFactor)
      • isIterative

        public boolean isIterative()
        Scale may be iterative or not for ProportionalScalable. If the iterative mode is activated, the residues due to scalable saturation is divided between the other scalable composing the ProportionalScalable.
        the iterative boolean, false by default.