Interface StandbyAutomatonAdder

    • Method Detail

      • getExtensionClass

        default Class<StandbyAutomaton> getExtensionClass()
        Description copied from interface: ExtensionAdder
        Returns the class of the extension. This is expected to be an interface so that multiple implementors can implement the same extensions. This will be the key at which the extension is added on the extendable. This is meant to be implemented by adder interfaces but not by adder implementations.
        Specified by:
        getExtensionClass in interface ExtensionAdder<StaticVarCompensator,​StandbyAutomaton>
        the interface of the extension
      • withStandbyStatus

        StandbyAutomatonAdder withStandbyStatus​(boolean standby)
        Define the status of the automaton. Use true if in service, false otherwise.
      • withB0

        StandbyAutomatonAdder withB0​(double b0)
        Define the fix part of the susceptance (in S) used when the static var compensator is in stand by. Should be between the mininal and the maximal susceptance of the static var compensator.
      • withHighVoltageSetpoint

        StandbyAutomatonAdder withHighVoltageSetpoint​(double highVoltageSetpoint)
        Define the voltage setpoint (in kV) used when the high voltage threshold is reached.
      • withHighVoltageThreshold

        StandbyAutomatonAdder withHighVoltageThreshold​(double highVoltageThreshold)
        Define the high voltage threshold (in kV). Above this value, the static var compensator controls voltage at high voltage setpoint.
      • withLowVoltageSetpoint

        StandbyAutomatonAdder withLowVoltageSetpoint​(double lowVoltageSetpoint)
        Define the voltage setpoint (in kV) used when the low voltage threshold is reached.
      • withLowVoltageThreshold

        StandbyAutomatonAdder withLowVoltageThreshold​(double lowVoltageThreshold)
        Define the low voltage threshold (in kV). Under this value, the static var compensator controls voltage at low voltage setpoint.