Enum SensitivityFunctionType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<SensitivityFunctionType>

    public enum SensitivityFunctionType
    extends Enum<SensitivityFunctionType>
    Supported function types related to the equipment to monitor. Use:
    • BRANCH_ACTIVE_POWER_1 and BRANCH_ACTIVE_POWER_2 if you want to monitor the active power in MW of a network branch (lines, two windings transformer, dangling lines, etc.). Use 1 for side 1 and 2 for side 2. In case of a three windings transformer, use BRANCH_ACTIVE_POWER_3 to monitor the active power in MW of the leg 3 (network side).
    • BRANCH_CURRENT_1 and BRANCH_CURRENT_2 if you want to monitor the current in A of a network branch (lines, two windings transformer, dangling lines, etc.). Use 1 for side 1 and use 2 for side 2. In case of a three windings transformer, use BRANCH_CURRENT_3 to monitor the current in A of the leg 3 (network side).
    • BRANCH_REACTIVE_POWER_1 and BRANCH_REACTIVE_POWER_2 if you want to monitor the reactive power in MVar of a network branch (lines, two windings transformer, dangling lines, etc.). Use 1 for side 1 and use 2 for side 2. In case of a three windings transformer, use BRANCH_REACTIVE_POWER_3 to monitor the reactive power in MVar of the leg 3 (network side).
    • BUS_VOLTAGE if you want to monitor the voltage in KV of a specific network bus.
    Geoffroy Jamgotchian