Class RevertCreateLineOnLine

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RevertCreateLineOnLine
    extends AbstractNetworkModification
    This method reverses the action done in the CreateLineOnLine class : it replaces 3 existing lines (with the same voltage level at one of their side) with a new line, and eventually removes the existing voltage levels (tee point and tapped voltage level), if they contain no equipments anymore, except bus or bus bar section

    Before modification:
     VL1 --------------------- tee point -------------------- VL2
          (lineToBeMerged1Id)     |     (lineToBeMerged2Id)
                                  | (lineToBeDeletedId)
                         tapped voltage level
    After modification:
     VL1 ----------------------------- VL2
    Franck Lecuyer
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public void apply​(Network network,
                          boolean throwException,
                          ComputationManager computationManager,
                          Reporter reporter)
        Description copied from interface: NetworkModification
        Applies the modification to the given network. If throwException is set to true, then in case of error, an exception will be thrown. Otherwise, computation will continue but the injection will not be added to the network in case of error.
      • getLineToBeMerged1Id

        public String getLineToBeMerged1Id()
      • getLineToBeMerged2Id

        public String getLineToBeMerged2Id()
      • getLineToBeDeletedId

        public String getLineToBeDeletedId()
      • getMergedLineId

        public String getMergedLineId()
      • getMergedLineName

        public String getMergedLineName()