Interface TripleStore

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPowsyblTripleStore, EmptyTripleStore, TripleStoreRDF4J

public interface TripleStore
A Triplestore database. A Triplestore database is a database for the storage and retrieval of triples. A triple is a data entity composed of subject-predicate-object. Adding a name to a triple allows to separate them in contexts or named graphs.
Luma ZamarreƱo <zamarrenolm at>
  • Method Details

    • getOptions

      default TripleStoreOptions getOptions()
      Obtain the options that have been used to configure this Triplestore
      options Triplestore configuration options
    • read

      void read(InputStream is, String base, String contextName)
      Read statements from an input stream and store them in the Triplestore under the given context name.
      is - input stream containing statements that will be added to the Triplestore
      base - the base URI used to convert relative URI's to absolute URI's
      contextName - name of the context where statements will be added
    • write

      void write(DataSource ds)
      Write the contents of the Triplestore in the given data source. Statements in each context will be written to separate fileNames in the output data source
      ds - the output data source
    • write

      default void write(DataSource ds, String contextName)
      Write the contents of a context in the given data source.
      ds - the output data source
      contextName - the context to write
    • print

      void print(PrintStream out)
      Print a summary of the contents of the Triplestore. Typically a list of contexts and its size (number of statements).
      out - output stream where the summary will be written
    • print

      void print(Consumer<String> liner)
      Print a summary of the contents of the Triplestore. Typically a list of contexts and its size (number of statements).
      liner - a function that accepts strings (the lines of the summary report)
    • clear

      void clear(String contextName)
      Delete all the statements in a given context.
      contextName - the context to be cleared
    • defineQueryPrefix

      void defineQueryPrefix(String prefix, String namespace)
      Define namespace prefix bindings that will be used in the text of queries. Example: tripleStore.defineQueryPrefix("foaf", "");
      prefix - the prefix to be used in the text of queries as a replacement for the namespace
      namespace - the URL of the namespace
    • query

      PropertyBags query(String query)
      Perform a SPARQL query on the Triplestore.
      query - the text of the query, written in SPARQL query language
      the solution sequence of the query (the ways in which the query matches the data)
    • add

      void add(String contextName, String namespace, String type, PropertyBags objects)
      Add to the triple store statements for creating new resources, instances of a specific class
      contextName - context where the statements are added
      namespace - the namespace of the class of the new resources
      type - the class of the new resources
      objects - properties of the resources
    • add

      String add(String contextName, String namespace, String type, PropertyBag properties)
      Add to the triple store statements for creating a new resource, instance of a specific class
      contextName - the context where the statements are added
      namespace - the namespace of the class of the new resource
      type - the class of the new resource
      properties - properties of the resource
      the id of the new resource
    • add

      void add(TripleStore source)
      Add all statements of the source Triplestore to this Triplestore.
      source - the Triplestore containing statements to be added to this Triplestore
    • contextNames

      Set<String> contextNames()
      Get all the context names currently defined in the Triplestore.
      a set of all context names
    • update

      void update(String queryText)
      Perform a SPARQL update on the Triplestore.
      queryText - the text of the query, written in SPARQL Update language
    • addNamespace

      void addNamespace(String prefix, String namespace)
      Add a namespace to the triple store
      prefix - the prefix of the namespace
      namespace - the namespace
    • getNamespaces

      List<PrefixNamespace> getNamespaces()
      Return the namespaces defined in the triple store
      the list of namespaces defined in the triple store
    • getImplementationName

      String getImplementationName()
      Return the implementation name defined in the triple store
      the string implementation name of the triplestore object