Class CgmesMetadataModelImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CgmesMetadataModelImpl extends Object implements CgmesMetadataModel
Luma ZamarreƱo <zamarrenolm at>
  • Constructor Details

    • CgmesMetadataModelImpl

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl(CgmesSubset subset, String modelingAuthoritySet)
  • Method Details

    • getSubset

      public CgmesSubset getSubset()
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      The CGMES instance file (subset) that the model refers to: EQ, SSH, ...
      Specified by:
      getSubset in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      the subset of the CGMES the model refers to
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      The unique identifier for the model. A model identifier should change if the data contained in the model has changed.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      the identifier of the model
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      A description for the model.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      the description of the model
    • getVersion

      public int getVersion()
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      The version number for the model. The version number should change if the data contained in the model has changed.
      Specified by:
      getVersion in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      the version number of the model
    • getModelingAuthoritySet

      public String getModelingAuthoritySet()
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      A reference to the organisation role / modeling authority set responsible for producing the model contents. It is a URN/URI.
      Specified by:
      getModelingAuthoritySet in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      the URN/URI of the modeling authority set producing the model
    • getProfiles

      public Set<String> getProfiles()
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel

      References to the profiles used in the model. Each profile defines semantics data that may appear inside the model. A model may contain data from multiple profiles.

      As an example, "" refers to power flow inputs in CGMES 3.

      In CGMES 2.4, the model for the EQ subset may contain two profiles: "" to describe the equipment core and "" if the model is defined at node/braker level.

      Specified by:
      getProfiles in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      the URN/URIs of profiles describing the data in the model
    • getDependentOn

      public Set<String> getDependentOn()
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      References to other models that the model depends on.
      Specified by:
      getDependentOn in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      the identifiers of the models the model depends on
    • getSupersedes

      public Set<String> getSupersedes()
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      References to other models that are superseded by this model.
      Specified by:
      getSupersedes in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      the identifiers of the models this model supersedes
    • setVersion

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl setVersion(int version)
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Set the given model version.
      Specified by:
      setVersion in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      version - The version to set for the model.
      The model with the new version set.
    • setId

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl setId(String id)
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Set the given model id.
      Specified by:
      setId in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      id - The id to set for the model.
      The model with the new id set.
    • setProfile

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl setProfile(String profile)
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Remove any existing profile and set the given model profile.
      Specified by:
      setProfile in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      profile - The profile to set for the model.
      The model with the new profile set.
    • addProfiles

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl addProfiles(Collection<String> profiles)
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Extend model profiles with the given ones.
      Specified by:
      addProfiles in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      profiles - The profiles to add for the model.
      The model with the new profiles added.
    • setDescription

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl setDescription(String description)
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Set the given model description.
      Specified by:
      setDescription in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      description - The description to set for the model.
      The model with the new description set.
    • addSupersedes

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl addSupersedes(String id)
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Add the given model id to the set of ids this model supersedes
      Specified by:
      addSupersedes in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      id - The additional model id this model should supersede.
      The model with an updated set of values this model supersedes.
    • addDependentOn

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl addDependentOn(String id)
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Add the given model id to the set of ids this model depends on.
      Specified by:
      addDependentOn in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      id - The additional model id this model should depend on.
      The model with an updated set of values this model depends on.
    • addDependentOn

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl addDependentOn(Collection<String> dependentOn)
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Add the given model ids to the set of ids this model depends on.
      Specified by:
      addDependentOn in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      dependentOn - The additional model ids this model should depend on.
      The model with an updated set of values this model depends on.
    • addSupersedes

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl addSupersedes(Collection<String> supersedes)
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Add the given model ids to the set of ids this model supersedes.
      Specified by:
      addSupersedes in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      supersedes - The additional model ids this model should supersede.
      The model with an updated set of values this model supersedes.
    • setModelingAuthoritySet

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl setModelingAuthoritySet(String modelingAuthoritySet)
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Set the given modeling authority set.
      Specified by:
      setModelingAuthoritySet in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      modelingAuthoritySet - The modeling authority set to set for the model.
      The model with the new modeling authority set defined.
    • clearDependencies

      public CgmesMetadataModelImpl clearDependencies()
      Description copied from interface: CgmesMetadataModel
      Remove all the model ids this model depends on.
      Specified by:
      clearDependencies in interface CgmesMetadataModel
      The model with an empty set of values this model depends on.