Interface ReportNodeAdderOrBuilder<T extends ReportNodeAdderOrBuilder<T>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
ReportNodeAdder, ReportNodeBuilder
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractReportNodeAdderOrBuilder, ReportNodeChildAdderImpl, ReportNodeRootBuilderImpl

public interface ReportNodeAdderOrBuilder<T extends ReportNodeAdderOrBuilder<T>>
  • Method Details

    • withMessageTemplate

      T withMessageTemplate(String key, String messageTemplate)
      Provide the message template to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key identifying uniquely the message template
      messageTemplate - functional log, which may contain references to values using the ${key} syntax, the values mentioned being the values of corresponding ReportNode and the values of any ReportNode ancestor of the created ReportNode
      a reference to this object
    • withTypedValue

      T withTypedValue(String key, String value, String type)
      Provide one typed string value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the typed string value
      value - the string value
      type - the string representing the type of the string value provided (see TypedValue constants for some generic types)
      a reference to this object
    • withUntypedValue

      T withUntypedValue(String key, String value)
      Provide one untyped string value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the string value
      value - the string value
      a reference to this object
    • withTypedValue

      T withTypedValue(String key, double value, String type)
      Provide one typed double value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the typed double value
      value - the double value
      type - the string representing the type of the double value provided (see TypedValue constants for some generic types)
      a reference to this object
    • withUntypedValue

      T withUntypedValue(String key, double value)
      Provide one untyped double value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the double value
      value - the double value
      a reference to this object
    • withTypedValue

      T withTypedValue(String key, float value, String type)
      Provide one typed float value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the typed float value
      value - the float value
      type - the string representing the type of the float value provided (see TypedValue constants for some generic types)
      a reference to this object
    • withUntypedValue

      T withUntypedValue(String key, float value)
      Provide one untyped float value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the float value
      value - the float value
      a reference to this object
    • withTypedValue

      T withTypedValue(String key, int value, String type)
      Provide one typed int value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the typed int value
      value - the int value
      type - the string representing the type of the int value provided (see TypedValue constants for some generic types)
      a reference to this object
    • withUntypedValue

      T withUntypedValue(String key, int value)
      Provide one untyped int value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the int value
      value - the int value
      a reference to this object
    • withTypedValue

      T withTypedValue(String key, long value, String type)
      Provide one typed long value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the typed long value
      value - the long value
      type - the string representing the type of the long value provided (see TypedValue constants for some generic types)
      a reference to this object
    • withUntypedValue

      T withUntypedValue(String key, long value)
      Provide one untyped long value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the long value
      value - the long value
      a reference to this object
    • withTypedValue

      T withTypedValue(String key, boolean value, String type)
      Provide one typed boolean value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the typed boolean value
      value - the boolean value
      type - the string representing the type of the boolean value provided (see TypedValue constants for some generic types)
      a reference to this object
    • withUntypedValue

      T withUntypedValue(String key, boolean value)
      Provide one untyped boolean value to build the ReportNode with.
      key - the key for the boolean value
      value - the boolean value
      a reference to this object
    • withSeverity

      T withSeverity(TypedValue severity)
      Provide the TypedValue.SEVERITY typed value associated to ReportConstants.SEVERITY_KEY key to build the ReportNode with.
      severity - the TypedValue.SEVERITY typed value associated to ReportConstants.SEVERITY_KEY key
      a reference to this object
    • withSeverity

      T withSeverity(String severity)
      Provide the String value for the TypedValue.SEVERITY type associated to ReportConstants.SEVERITY_KEY key to build the ReportNode with.
      severity - the String value
      a reference to this object