Interface GraphDecrementalConnectivity<V>

    • Method Detail

      • addVertex

        void addVertex​(V vertex)
      • addEdge

        void addEdge​(V vertex1,
                     V vertex2)
      • cut

        void cut​(V vertex1,
                 V vertex2)
        Cut one edge between given vertices
        vertex1 - first vertex, from or towards which the edge has been constructed
        vertex2 - second vertex, towards or from which the edge has been constructed
      • reset

        void reset()
        Reset all the cut done previously in the graph
      • getComponentNumber

        int getComponentNumber​(V vertex)
        Return the number of the connected component containing the given vertex, knowing that the number represents the size ranking of the related connected component in the graph, 0 being the main connected component. Hence, the greater the component number is, the smaller the number of vertices in that component.
        vertex - the vertex whose connected component number is looked for
        the number of the related connected component
      • getSmallComponents

        Collection<Set<V>> getSmallComponents()
        Return the collection of "small" connected components, meaning all the connected components except the biggest one (size-wise).
        the collection of small connected components
      • getConnectedComponent

        Set<V> getConnectedComponent​(V vertex)
      • getNonConnectedVertices

        Set<V> getNonConnectedVertices​(V vertex)