Class BusState

  • public class BusState
    extends Object
    Florian Dupuy
    • Constructor Detail

      • BusState

        public BusState​(LfBus b)
    • Method Detail

      • restoreBusState

        public void restoreBusState​(LfBus bus)
      • restoreBusActiveState

        public void restoreBusActiveState​(LfBus bus)
      • createBusStates

        public static Map<LfBus,​BusState> createBusStates​(Collection<LfBus> buses)
        Get the map of the states of given buses, indexed by the bus itself
        buses - the bus for which the state is returned
        the map of the states of given buses, indexed by the bus itself
      • restoreBusStates

        public static void restoreBusStates​(Map<LfBus,​BusState> busStates)
        Set the bus states based on the given map of states
        busStates - the map containing the bus states, indexed by buses
      • restoreBusActiveStates

        public static void restoreBusActiveStates​(Map<LfBus,​BusState> busStates)
        Set the bus states based on the given map of states
        busStates - the map containing the bus states, indexed by buses