Class FirehoseDeliveryStreamS3ConfigurationArgs

  • public final class FirehoseDeliveryStreamS3ConfigurationArgs
    extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs
    • Method Detail

      • bucketArn

        public com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String> bucketArn()
        The ARN of the S3 bucket
      • bufferInterval

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.Integer>> bufferInterval()
        Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300.
      • bufferSize

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.Integer>> bufferSize()
        Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. We recommend setting SizeInMBs to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec set SizeInMBs to be 10 MB or higher.
      • compressionFormat

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String>> compressionFormat()
        The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is `UNCOMPRESSED`. Other supported values are `GZIP`, `ZIP`, `Snappy`, & `HADOOP_SNAPPY`.
      • errorOutputPrefix

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String>> errorOutputPrefix()
        Prefix added to failed records before writing them to S3. Not currently supported for `redshift` destination. This prefix appears immediately following the bucket name. For information about how to specify this prefix, see [Custom Prefixes for Amazon S3 Objects](
      • kmsKeyArn

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String>> kmsKeyArn()
        Specifies the KMS key ARN the stream will use to encrypt data. If not set, no encryption will be used.
      • prefix

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String>> prefix()
        The "YYYY/MM/DD/HH" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. Note that if the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket
      • roleArn

        public com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String> roleArn()
        The role that Kinesis Data Firehose can use to access AWS Glue. This role must be in the same account you use for Kinesis Data Firehose. Cross-account roles aren't allowed.